標題: 行動應用之熱門部落格個人化推薦服務
Personalized Popular Blog Recommender Service for Mobile Applications
作者: 蔡佩芸
Tsai, Pei-Yun
Liu, Duen-Ren
關鍵字: 時間敏感主題;行動裝置服務;部落格推薦系統;Blog Recommender System;Mobile service;Time-Sensitive Topic
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 部落格是一種網路寫作、出版的新模式,並可與其他部落格進行資料的串接、互動;由於操作使用簡單,任何人都可以在網路上發表言論。若能善用行動裝置特色,在手機上提供部落格文章推薦的加值服務,將是一個重要的應用,並能創造出更廣大的閱讀族群。因為設備的限制,使用者較難於行動裝置上隨意地瀏覽內容。面對為數眾多的部落格,「如何挑選出適合每位使用者的文章」是一個重要的議題。目前為止,較少研究針對行動裝置上的部落格內容個人化推薦服務做探討。 本研究提出一個行動裝置上的個人化內容服務的系統,為手機用戶挑選並推薦部落格文章。該系統可以由偵測網路上部落格內容的熱門趨勢,即時預測文章的熱門程度變化。再者,手機用戶有不同的喜好,因此需依據使用者個人偏好進行文章過濾;本研究所建置的系統由手機用戶的歷史行為紀錄進行分析,以找出該使用者的興趣特徵。最後,推薦使用者最新、熱門,且符合個人偏好的部落格文章。本研究實際將系統上線使用進行實驗評估,以驗證所提的系統方法確實可以提升行動裝置上的部落格文章點閱率。
Weblogs have emerged as a new communication and publication medium on the Internet for diffusing the latest useful information. Providing value-added mobile services such as blog articles is increasingly important to attract mobile users to mobile commerce, to benefit from the proliferation and convenience of using mobile devices to receive information any time and anywhere. There is, however, a tremendous number of blog articles, and mobile users generally have difficulty in browsing weblogs owing to the limitations of mobile devices. Accordingly, providing mobile users with blog articles that suit their interests is an important issue. Very little research, however, focuses on this issue. In this work, we propose a Customized Content Service on a mobile device (m-CCS) to filter and push blog articles to mobile users. The m-CCS can predict the latest popular blog topics by forecasting the trend of time-sensitive popularity of weblogs. Mobile users may, however, have different interests in the latest popular blog topics. Thus, the m-CCS further analyzes the mobile users’ browsing logs to derive their interests, which are then combined with the latest popular blog topics to derive their preferred blog topics and articles. The experiment demonstrates that the m-CCS system can effectively recommend mobile users’ desired blog articles with respect to both popularity and personal interests.


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