標題: 年輕機車族群高風險駕駛行為異質性研究
Exploration of Heterogeneity of Young Motorcyclists’ Risky Driving Behavior
作者: 蕭力文
Hsiao, Li-Wen
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
Chung, Yi-Shih
關鍵字: 駕駛行為異質性;高風險駕駛行為;集群分析;結構方程模式多群組分析;Risky Riding Behavior;Heterogeneity;Cluster;SEM Multiple-Group Analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 年輕機車族群肇事率高於其他年齡層,過去文獻指出具有高風險駕駛行為傾向之駕駛者亦具有較高的事故風險,藉由探究年輕機車族群之高風險駕駛行為,可逐步釐清年輕機車駕駛人發生事故之原由,然而駕駛者之組成具有異質性,只有部份駕駛者顯現有高風險駕駛行為發生,若以整體年輕機車族群之觀點討論則無法有效找出關鍵影響因素。因此本研究根據文獻中高風險駕駛行為影響模式先以年輕機車駕駛族群之外顯社經特性、車禍違規歷史分群,利用變異數分析探討機車駕駛行為之異質性與異質駕駛族群間駕駛行為特性之差異;再以集群分析將年輕機車駕駛者潛在個人特質進行分群,探討具不同個人特質特性之駕駛者駕駛行為之差異;接著利用結構方程模式多群組分析探討異質駕駛群中駕駛行為影響因素間之關聯;最後將具有駕駛行為差異之年輕機車族群以羅吉斯迴歸與事故、違規發生建立關聯,以更明確瞭解駕駛者心理特質與駕駛行為、駕駛行為後果之關係。研究結果發現,性別在駕駛行為特性上之差異最為顯著,其中男性、有事故與違規經驗之年輕駕駛者最具有高風險駕駛行為傾向;以潛在個人特質分群將年輕機車族群分為衝動型、積極型、內斂型與焦慮型駕駛族群,其中積極型與衝動型駕駛者較常顯現高速行車與違規行為;造成四群駕駛者高風險駕駛行為發生之影響關聯不同,而影響異質年輕機車族群發生事故或違規被取締之因素也互有差異。由此可知,年輕機車族群之組成在外顯特性上或潛在特性上均具有異質性,導致不同特性駕駛者發生高風險駕駛行為之因素具有差異,因此未來在策略上也應分別針對不同特性之年輕機車族群予以設計,以有效改善機車安全。
Motorcycle riders have a high likelihood of being involved in an accident. However, young riders should not treat as a homogenous group pertaining to road safety. This study aimed to identify the heterogeneity of Young Motorcyclists' risky driving behavior by manifest characteristics, ie age, gender, driving experience etc. and latent personality trait, sensation seeking, amiability, and impatience. The result indicated that young motorcyclists who are male, had accident and violation experiences had higher intension to perform risky riding behavior. On basis of a cluster analysis of personality traits, four types of young motorcyclistwas were identified - active rider, impulsive rider, staid rider, and anxious rider. Active rider and impulsive rider were high-risk groups, intending to perform speeding or violation behavior. Active riders' risky riding behavior was affected by sensation seeking and impatience through attitude toward unsafe riding; however, impulsive rider's speeding and violation behavior were accounted for mainly by utility perception. Only Staid rider showed direct relationship between riding behavior and accidents. Practical suggestions on how to promote safe driving among these types of motorcyclists are discussed.


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