標題: 自願、非自願暫時性勞工工作態度、角色壓力與工作動機之探討
Exploring the Work Attitude, Role Stress, and Work Motivation of Voluntary and Involuntary Temporary Employees
作者: 徐曼慈
Hsu, Man-Tzu
Chou, Ying-Chyi
關鍵字: 暫時性員工;工作意願;工作原因;工作滿意度;角色壓力;temporary employees;working volition;working reasons;job satisfaction;role stress
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究依據個別員工對暫時性工作之偏好與意願,將暫時性勞動力劃分為自願與非自願暫時性就業兩族群,試圖探討此兩族群對於工作投入、工作滿足、角色模糊與角色衝突等工作態度及角色壓力之知覺程度,是否具有差異,並進一步分析可能影響個別工作者暫時性就業之原因與動機,驗證自願、非自願暫時性工作者是否會因為工作動機的不同,而有不同的工作態度與角色壓力。 在實證分析上,本研究針對公部門之暫時性員工抽樣,得有效樣本數365人。在對問卷蒐集之資料進行多變量變異數(MANOVA)分析後發現,自願與非自願暫時性工作者的工作態度具有差異,自願暫時性工作者對於工作之投入及滿足程度皆較非自願暫時性工作者高;而當工作意願不同時,角色壓力程度則無顯著差異。加入工作原因的考量後,結果顯示,自願暫時性工作者在不同的工作動機下,其角色模糊程度會有差異,因為薪資較正職工作高而選擇從事暫時性就業的員工,其角色模糊程度較因為失業、工作負擔少及錢多事少而從事暫時性工作的員工低。 此結果說明,暫時性勞動力並非一單純的同質群體。此勞動族群所存在的異質性,可藉由個別暫時性員工不同的工作意願及多元的工作動機見其端倪。在實務意涵上,管理者應不可忽視暫時性勞動力之異質性,而須試圖了解自願與非自願暫時性員工不同的工作需求與工作原因,審慎評估個別員工從事暫時性工作的適切程度、為其分派最合適的工作,使暫時性員工不論自願或非自願皆有更佳的工作成果。
According to individual’s preference and volition toward temporary employment, this study divided temporary workforce into two sub-group – voluntary and involuntary workers – and examined whether voluntary and involuntary temporary employees’ job involvement, job satisfaction, role ambiguity, and role conflict exist differences. Individual’s reasons for working temporary were also considered and then investigated whether different working reasons would result in different working attitudes and role stress. The sample was consisted of temporary employees who were working in the public sector. A total of 365 participants complete the survey of the current research. After the test of multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA), the results showed that the job attitudes between voluntary and involuntary temporary employees were not the same. Involuntary temporary workers reported higher job involvement and job satisfaction than did involuntary temporary workers. As mentioned to the psychological outcomes for different working reasons of temporary employees, the results showed that voluntary temporary workers’ role ambiguity were dissimilar under different reasons for working temporary job. Voluntary employees who pursue temporary work in order to have higher pay than full-time work reported lower role ambiguity than other voluntary employees who work temporarily because job loss, less responsibility, and having higher pay but reduced workload. The findings suggest that temporary workforce is not a homogeneous group. Individual’s diverse volition and working motivations imply the heterogeneity of this workforce. The practical implications of this research suggest that managers should not ignore the heterogeneity of temporary workers. Thus, managers should try to distinguish the different working demands and working reasons of voluntary and involuntary temporary employees. By matching suitable job for each temporary employee, organizations would get better benefits from temporary workforce.