標題: 分紅入股滿意度、工作投入、工作滿意度、工作壓力與離職傾向之相關研究
The study on profit sharing 、job involvement 、job satisfaction 、job press and turnover intension
作者: 陳盈成
Ying-Cheng Chen
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 分紅入股;工作壓力;工作投入;工作滿意度;離職傾向;profit sharing;job stress;job involvement;job satisfaction;turnover intension
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本研究主要在探討離職傾向與分紅入股滿恴度、工作滿意度、工作投入及工作壓力等變項之相互關係,而研究對象則以台灣積體電路公司之直接人員【指從事與生產直接相關之工作人員】為研究對象,經由隨機抽樣共計取得242份有效樣本。本研究的研究動機為近年來國內之高科技產業均以高額之分紅入股報酬來吸引優秀人才,但由於高科技產業之生產步調變化快速,位於其中之從業人員也面臨著極高之工作壓力,也造成了較高之人員流動率,進而造成相關營運成本的上升。 本研究以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析及逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析探討。研究中有幾點重要發現:1、分紅入股滿意度與工作滿意度、工作投入、工作壓力及離職傾向等均有顯著相關;分紅入股滿意度較高則工作滿意度及工作投入程度均較高,同時,工作壓力及離職傾向則會較低。2、工作滿意度為影響工作投入程度及工作壓力之重要變數,並與離職傾向呈顯著負相關,工作滿意度越高則離職傾向越低。3、員工晉升機會及管道為影響工作滿意度之重要因素之一。4、工作投入與離職傾向呈顯著負相關,同時也是預測離職傾向之重要變項,對於員工工作壓力亦具有預測能力。5、工作壓力與離職傾向呈顯著正相關,減少員工工作壓力可有效降低員工之離職傾向。 透過本研究之結果,綜合出幾點結論及建議,期望可以提供國內實施分紅入股之企業在進行內部組織制度設計及改善員工作滿意度、工作投入程度,並可有效降低員工之工作壓力及離職傾向,進而降低人員流動率,以提昇生產效率,降低營運成本。
This research focused on the interactive relationship of the variance such as turnover intention, satisfaction of profit sharing, job satisfaction, job involvement and stress of work. The objects of the research are random sampling by the direct labels (operators work directly with production line) of tsmc, total 242 effective samples. The motive of this research initiated by means of high profit sharing in high-tech industry to attract talented persons in recent years. The rapid changes in production by highly growth also caused the serious stress to operators and hence high turnover ratio and then increase in operation cost. This research uses T-test, single variance analysis, Pearson analysis and step-by-step regression to study the relations of variance. The main finding of this research can be concluded to: 1. The satisfaction of profit sharing had high relation with job satisfaction, job involvement, job stress and turnover intention. Higher satisfaction of profit sharing results in higher job satisfaction, higher job involvement and lower work stress, lower turnover intention. 2. Job satisfaction affects job involvement, job stress and negative relate to turnover intention, the higher job satisfaction, the lower turnover intention. 3. The chance and channel of promotion is one of the important factor to job satisfaction. 4. Job involvement is negative to turnover intention, and also a prediction of turnover and job stress. 5. Job stress is positive to turnover intention, to reduce the work stress can also diminish turnover intention effectively I hope the conclusions and suggestions coming out from the research can apply to the domestic companies implementing profit sharing to design organization/system to improve employee’s satisfaction, job involvement and diminish job stress, turnover intention effectively, hence to lower down the turnover intention, improve the production efficiency and reduce the operation cost.