Title: 連結貿易與勞動人權之國際規範研究
A Study on International Regulations Concerning the Linkage between Trade and Labor Rights
Authors: 段奇琬
Ni, Kuei-Jung
Keywords: 世界貿易組織;勞動人權;國際勞工組織;聯合國;普遍性優惠制度;WTO;Labor Rights;ILO;UN;General System of Preferences
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,WTO)的成立大幅促進全球化的發展,造成國際間距離縮小,資本流動快速,然而於此同時,跨國企業爭相以勞動成本低廉做為海外投資設廠的主要考量,亦使開發中國家內部勞工處遇的議題漸漸浮上檯面。
本文擬分析連結貿易與勞動人權之國際規範,先探討現存保護勞動人權最重要的兩個國際機構:國際勞工組織(International Labour Organization,ILO)及聯合國(United Nations,UN)之組織架構及相關規範,並指出上開組織實際推行勞動人權保護時所面臨的困境。這樣的困境使得WTO持續承受來自其他國際組織、各國政府、非政府組織以及學者之廣泛批評,認為WTO對於經濟發展所造成之人權侵害責無旁貸。實至今日,雖然WTO是否適宜解決人權問題,爭議不斷,然而WTO貿易規範與人權之間的結合,似已成為不可抵擋的趨勢,此由WTO秘書長(Director General) Pascal Lamy屢次重伸WTO與人權保障之間的關係,即可見一斑。
本文有鑑於此,進一步就WTO現存的架構,分別探討以貿易限制及貿易誘因的方式處理勞動人權議題的可能性及妥當性。先從關稅暨貿易總協定 (General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade,GATT)最惠國待遇及國民待遇的基本原則談起,論及同類產品之認定標準及GATT第20條的一般例外規定;再以貿易誘因為主軸,深入探討美國及歐洲聯盟兩大國際勢力運用普遍性優惠制度的方式及效果,並兼論及北美自由貿易區中北美勞動事務合作協定的內容與實際運用的效果,探討以區域組織推動人權保障之成效。
The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) marks a stunning movement of globalization, which has shortened the geographic distance and created a fast flow of capital between countries. However, the way multinational corporations seek cheap labor in choosing offshore factory sites has also raised grave concern over the protection of labor rights.
This thesis analyzes the international instruments covering the linkage between trade and labor. First, this thesis focus on two important international instruments: the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations (UN), and points out their framework, related legal documents and their setback in protecting labor rights. These internal problems have made the WTO an easy target as many advocates criticized the Organization as the source of problem, and therefore it should be obligated to correct its wrongfulness. As a result, the WTO have seemingly began to take a more positive attitude toward its role in labor rights protection. WTO’s Director General Pascal Lamy has on several occasions plainly recognized that the linkage between trade and human rights should not be overlooked.
This thesis then will continue to examine the feasibility of using trade restrictions and trade incentives under the current structure of the WTO in dealing with the labor protection. Some trade rules, such as the Most Favored Nation principle, the National Treatment Principle and the general exceptions under Article XX of the GATT 1994 will be reviewed. This thesis further finds the relevance of discussing how the general preferences used by the United States and the European Union function. This thesis also covers the area of regional economic integration, focusing especially on the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Additionally, this thesis explores the possibility of modifying the WTO’s current structure, such as strengthening the cooperation with the ILO and the UN, or providing technical assistance and financial aid to countries in need. Finally, the author will offer possible solutions to the present dilemma.
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