標題: 拜物有罪?拜物有理!觀看電影慾望城市傳遞「勸Buy」合理訊息
Is fetishism guilty? Not exactly!How the movie 【Sex and the City】sends ‘buy it’messages.
作者: 廖容瑩
Liao, Jung-Ying
Kuo, Liang-Wen
關鍵字: 拜物;商品拜物;物化;慾望城市;fetishism;fetishism of commodities;reification;Sex and the City
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究以拜物主義(fetishism)的觀點,分析從影集播映,長紅至電影上映的【慾望城市】(Sex and The City),如何透過拜物主義的消費符號包裝,傳遞「勸Buy」訊息。而接收端「閱聽眾」,在接收拜物訊息之後,如何透過主體能動性之思維,建構個體與商品之間的意義連結。因此,研究進行的方式,將先以拜物主義作為預設立場,對電影【慾望城市】文本進行敘事分析,以了解研究文本的外延意義與內涵意義。而分析結果整理出三面向:「名牌符號的意義」、「消費品味的意義」、「個人實踐的意義」,將作為深度訪談問卷之設計依據。透過公開徵求,一共獲得16位受訪者進行意見分享。 透過敘事分析與深度訪談結果的交叉比對,研究者發現,【慾望城市】的迷群,其實對於現今充滿符號包裝、充滿拜物訊息的消費環境,早已經習慣、也無從改變起;但其中的特殊性,在於物化環境的階級意識陷入所謂的二律背反困境,一方面依循客觀規律、另一方面卻又創造個體自主的消費訊息;如此皆可被證實為真的消費型態,以Lukács物化論(reification)論述分析,其實可被解釋為是一種從物質生活的物化,延伸為精神領域物化的拜物現象。
The Study focuses on the present comsumming phenomenon ‘fetishism of commodities’, discusses the reified comsummer behaviors and mental desires. The resercher uses Marx’s important theory ‘fetishism’ and the improved concept ‘refication’ of the French scholar Lukács to make an argument. It’s a very interesting task not only to elaborate the postmodern comsumption but also to find out comsummers’ thinking and fascination on chasing high-priced fine works. On the one hand, the resercher discovers that it’s for obtaining identies between classes; and on the other hand, it’s for increasing taste and life quality. Human life presented in “Sex and the City” is reified both physically and spiritually.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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