標題: 以類史楚普典範誘發正負情緒共生
Eliciting the Coactivation of Positive and Negative Emotions with Stroop-like Paradigm
作者: 李易鴻
Li, Yi-Hong
Tao, Chen-Chao
關鍵字: 情緒;感覺;類史楚普典範;動機系統理論;生理心理測量;IAPS;emotion;feeling;stroop-like paradigm;motivational system theory;psychophysiology;IAPS
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 近二十年來,情緒研究開始關注「人們是否能夠同時產生正面與負面情緒」此一研究問題,然而至今仍沒有一致的結論。本研究認為過往研究結果不一致的原因有二:第一,理論上缺乏對情緒(emotion)此一概念的定義;第二,方法上缺乏更適當的正負情緒共生(coactivation of positive and negative emotions)的誘發,以及缺乏更直接的測量。 首先,在情緒的定義上,本研究根據動機系統理論(motivational system theory),將情緒定義為動機系統受重要事件活化後所輸出的一股行動準備狀態(state of action readiness),並將人類對該行動準備狀態的有意識經驗定義為感覺(feeling);根據構面觀點,本研究認為情緒此一概念主要由兩個基本構面(dimension)所組成,分別是價性(valence)與覺醒(arousal)。其次,在正負面情緒共生的誘發上,本研究根據「類史楚普典範」(stroop-like paradigm),將IAPS(internatinoal affective picutures system)中正、負面照片透明化後重疊顯示。最後,在情緒的測量上,本研究同時採用生理心理測量(psychophysiology measurement)測量情緒,以及採用SAM量表測量感覺。 研究發現主要有三:第一,IAPS收錄的照片誘發的情緒反應與國外研究結果一致,顯示該系統在台灣仍具有效性。第二,情緒指標中的皺眉肌活化程度與膚電活動分別與感覺指標中的價性量表及覺醒量表顯著相關,臗大肌活化程度則與價性量表無關,顯示情緒與感覺這兩個概念並不全然相同。第三,正面情緒以及正面感覺的價性構面與覺醒構面無關;反之,負面情緒以及負面感覺的價性構面與覺醒構面高度相關,顯示當感覺╱情緒越負面,覺醒就越高,越正面則無此一現象。第四,相較於單張單一價性照片呈現,正、負面照片並排顯示以及重疊顯示都能夠誘發更高的正負感覺共存以及正負感覺共生。
In the late two decades, emotion studies have been growing interests in the issue of “coactivation of positive and negative emotions”. However, there are still lacks of congruent research findings to achieve a consensual understanding of this issue. This study suggests such incongruence comes from two shortages: First, on the theoretical side, previous studies lack consensual definition of emotion. Second, on the methodological side, previous studies lack proper elicitation and measurement. Thus, this study has two aims: First, attempting to solve the issue of definition. Second, attempting to refine the elicitation and measurement. First, to the definitional issues, according to motivational system theory, “emotion” is a physical state of action readiness generated by motivational system and different from” feeling”, which is a conscious experience of emotion and other cognitive appraisals. According to dimensional approach, emotion is composed of two basic dimensions (valence and arousal) rather than discrete programs. Second, to the issue of elicitation, based on stroop-like paradigm, this study refines elicitation by superimposing two valence-conflicting pictures. Third, to the issue of measurement, this study adopts psychophysiology as its measurement of emotion, and SAM rating scale as its measurement of feeling. There are three main results: First, pictures from IAPS elicit the same emotional responses as previous studies. Second, although activity of corrugator supercilii is correlated with valence rating and electrodermal activity is correlated with arousal rating, activity of zygomaticus major is not correlated with valence rating, suggesting that the responses of emotion and feeling are not completely identical. Third, valence is not correlated with arousal under positive condition but is correlated with arousal under negative condition. Last, compared to single presentation, both parallel and stroop-like presentation of positive and negative pictures elicit higher coexistence of positive and negative feelings and coactivation of positive and negative emotions.


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