標題: LOMO攝影特殊色調之色彩特徵研究
The Color Features of Lomography
作者: 劉倩雯
Liu, Chien-Wen
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 色彩特徵;底片;樂摸攝影;色彩剖析系統;Color Features;Film;Lomography;Color Profiler;LOMO-LCA;LOMO
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在科技與數位相機當道的現代社會裡,一台具有能夠拍攝出濃郁色彩、高飽和與高對比度的古董傳統相機LOMO-LCA正受到熱烈的歡迎與喜愛,這台相機拍攝出來的照片效果具有一種不可預期性與驚喜感,而這甚至形成了一種特殊的攝影風格。本研究意圖對於LOMO攝影的特殊色調進行色彩特徵之研究,控制標準化過程並使用LOMO-LCA在標準光源下進行拍攝,並利用數位相機進行同等條件拍攝,比較兩者之間的差異,此外,使用本實驗室所開發的色彩剖析系統工具Color-Profiler將影像數據化,進行光源與底片之交叉比對探討。 研究結果發現,影響色彩的三種光源中,Day Light與Cool Light之間差異不大,而INCA的影響效果最大。其次,實驗中的四組底片,以Rainbow 7在各方面呈現較不穩定的狀態,而以FUJI XTRA 400的表現最為穩定。此外,以數位相機做為參照組,發現對比值與其他各值的表現幾乎都低於底片組。令人意外的是,整體飽和度方面,數位相機的表現反而較底片組良好。
Nowadays, the advancement of technology allows us to use digital camera to record things in our lives. However, in recent years, there is a model of traditional camera gained soaring popularity all over the world because of its notable color features. Photos taken by LOMO-LCA have some particular color features, such as high saturation, high contrast, and the tunnel vision effects. Those effects bring people an unexpected and surprising feeling about what they shot. Moreover, Lomography has even become a cult in photography. The main purpose of this study is to detemine the color features of Lomography, and to evaluate variables that contribute to the color characteristics of LOMO-LCA. We established a standard bench test process to perform the evaluation. The procedure of this experiment is to use LOMO-LCA with four kinds of films to shot a color-checker in three different standard light environments. Then we analysed those photos with a color-profiler system which extracts critical color features, including the value of contrast, saturation, brightness, and opposite R, opposite G, opposite B, opposite Y, of a digital image. The result shows that INCA made a huge influence on the color of LOMO-LCA than the other two standard lights, Day Light and Cool Light. On the other hand, one of the four films, Rainbow 7, shows stronger characters in many ways than other films. It means using Rainbow 7 might get the most unpredictable colors of images. By contrast, FUJI XTRA 400 maintains a stable performance in all circumstances. The differences between digital camera and LOMO-LCA were analysed. Except for saturation, LOMO-LCA gives rise to higher values on all counts.


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