標題: 漫步
作者: 黃登懋
Huang, Teng-Mao
關鍵字: 登懋;漫步;Tengmao;Promenade
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 建築漫步,為柯比意所提出的建築手法之一,其在建築內部使用連續性的折返式坡道,或沿著建築的邊緣或在建築的中央,策略性地將使用者、觀察者,在建築內部沿著某種重要景觀、象徵性景物逐步遊走。 當我研讀柯比意的案例Villa La Roche,比對實體照片與平面位置時,第一次開始知道建築平面的力量,了解空間組構的關係與空間的連續性為何,由建築漫步所創造的逐步魅力,正緊扣著空間最初的發展起源。運用著這樣的方式所創造出的建築,絕大部分由動線所控制,藉由每一段動線的影響力,來連扣建築的整個大方向。 儘管每一個設計案的不同,有的討論皮層、有的討論機能,但直至最後利用概念在組織平面時,但我依然會回到最初的漫步起點,一一檢視平面的每一個位置,是否具備視線的關注點,進而將每一個特殊的景物連貫起來,再重新調整一次平面。這樣的動作幾乎成為了我現階段的習慣。
Promenade Architecturale is Le Corbusier's one of the proposed architecture methods. He used the continuity ramp in the inside building, or along the edge of the building or in the central building. Be a strategic manner to let users and observers to walk inside the building, and along a major in landscape, or a symbol of scenery. When I read Le Corbusier's case, Villa La Roche, I compared photo graphic with location plans, than the first time began to understand the power of architecture's plan, and what is the relationship between the organization of space and space continuity. Using “Promenade Architecturale” to create architecture fascination is closely linked to the origin of space development. This means that this way to design building is controlled by the circulation. By means of the influence of every circulation, it interlocks building's design direction. Although each design case is different, and some discussion of the skin layer, and some discussion of function. But until last, when using concept to organize plans, I still come back to the starting point to view every location in the plan, whether there are vision's special positions. Than, I adjusted plans once again when I connected with every position. This kind of action almost became my habit at this stage.


  1. 752101.pdf

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