標題: 高等教育外部治理與品質保證機制:以北歐四國為例
External Governance and Quality Assurance Mechanism in Higher Education: A Study of the Nordic Countries
作者: 鄭宇君
Cheng, Yu-Chun
Tai, Hsiou-Hsia
關鍵字: 高等教育外部治理;品質保證;北歐四國;external governance in higher education;quality assurance;Nordic countries
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究係以北歐四國高等教育品質保證機制為研究對象,並以文件分析法與比較分析法為主,探討高等教育外部治理轉變與品質保證制度趨勢之間的相互關係。第一章探討影響今日高等教育運作之重要因素及我國高等教育發展轉變,說明高等教育外部治理已成為各國高等教育變革之重要議題;第二章探究高等教育治理意涵、架構及模式,並 從外部治理轉變,指出市場力量崛起及高等教育評鑑熱潮;第三章轉向分析高等教育評鑑制度之發展、內涵與運作,並與高等教育外部治理轉變連結,進而說明高等教育品質保證制度之特性;第四章則以高等教育品質保證制度之興起與趨勢,說明高等教育品質保證之意涵、歐洲品質保證運動與國際趨勢;第五章針對北歐四國高等教育外部治理轉變及品質保證機制之發展,進行探析、比較與統整;第六章綜合前述研究發現與分析結果,提出以下結論:一、高等教育治理具有多元性與高度複雜性;二、市場力量於高等教育外部治理中逐漸崛起;三、高等教育品質保證制度成為國際趨勢;四、品質保證機制與高等教育外部治理轉變有密切關係;五、市場力量為北歐四國高等教育外部治理轉變與品質保證機制建立之重要趨力。 本研究之建議如下:一、推行高等教育改革政策應循序漸進;二、擬訂高等教育評鑑政策應考量社會文化脈絡;三、發展高等教育評鑑應有策略性規劃;四、應加強評鑑後續的回饋和追蹤機制;五、評鑑宜重視外部利害關係人的觀點;六、高等教育機構應負起教育品質保證責任。
The thesis aims to investigate the change of external governance and the trend of quality assurance in higher education, with that of the Nordic countries as case study, by the methods of document analysis and comparative analysis. In Chapter 1, the factors inducing change in higher education external governance are illustrated. Chapter 2 discusses the definition, framework, and models of higher education governance, with an emphasis on how market mechanism has affected the higher education evaluation. Chapter 3 combines the proceeding analysis of higher education evaluation with the trend of external governance, and then shows the characteristics of the quality assurance accompanying the change of external governance. In Chapter 4, the researcher explores the trend of quality assurance in higher education, by the definition of quality assurance, quality assurance of higher education in the Europe, and international organizations.Furthermore, Chapter 5 focuses on the reforms of higher education in the Nordic countries responding to the change of external governance and quality assurance in higher education. Finally, five conclusions are made in Chapter 6 including: (1) Governance of higher education is diverse and complex. (2) Market forces have been promoted to the change of external governance in higher education. (3) Quality assurance of higher education will become an international trend. (4) There is close relationship between quality assurance and the transformation of external governance in higher education. (5) Market mechanism has become one of the most important forces leading the transformation of external governance and quality assurance of higher education in the Nordic countries. According to the findings and discoveries above, six suggestions are proposed as follows: (1) Implementation of policy and reform of higher education should be arranged in proper sequence and be executed step by step. (2) Formulating policy of higher education evaluation should consider socio-cultural context. (3) Developing policy of higher education evaluation should have strategic plan. (4) Feedback and follow-up mechanism should be strengthened in higher education evaluation. (5) Stakeholders should be taken into account in evaluation process. (6) Higher education institutions should hold accountable for quality assurance of education.


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