標題: 風險社會與通識教育:台灣博雅書院興起之探討
Risk Society and General Education: Analysis of the Rise of Liberal Arts College in Taiwan
作者: 吳佩真
Wu, Pei-Chen
Tai, Hsiao-Hsia
關鍵字: 風險社會;通識教育;博雅書院;risk society;general education;liberal arts college
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在探討現代社會由工業社會轉向風險社會之際,面對專家系統崩解及學科過度分化的情況,高等教育的專業教育理念受到質疑,如何藉由通識教育及博雅書院解決此危機。本研究之目的有四:(1)探討風險社會產生之源由及轉變歷程;(2)探討風險社會的危機與轉機;(3)探討博雅教育理念對通識教育發展及博雅書院興起之影響;(4)從風險社會觀點,探究通識教育與博雅書院之發展。 第二章論述風險社會概念,以及風險社會對高等教育人才培育的觀點;第三章對博雅教育之理念、博雅學院之特色與通識教育之發展予以分析,了解博雅理念之演變脈絡;第四章說明台灣的風險社會狀況與通識教育之困境;第五章以風險社會觀點深入探討台灣博雅書院之興起;第六章談論風險社會中專業教育、通識教育與博雅書院之間不同的看法;最後第七章根據上述研究歷程提出以下結論:(1)工業社會對單一科學理性的依賴,造成風險社會無法解決的危機;(2)社會強調專業知識、仰賴專家系統,然風險社會中專家不再無所不能;(3)高等教育迎合市場對專業的需求,導致學科過度分化;(4)通識教育尚不足彌補知識的零散化現象;(5)博雅書院在於深化通識教育;(6)台灣博雅書院成立時間未久,成效尚待評估。
The study aims to explore the change of the modern society from industrial society to risk society, facing conditions of expert system disintegration. The study argues that the current rise of liberal arts college in Taiwan intends to tackle with the crises of risk society. The purposes of this research includes: (1) To discuss the origin and change of risk society. (2) To discuss the crisis and turning point of risk society. (3) To explore the concept of liberal education and its influence on the general education development and the rise of liberal arts college. (4) To explore the concept of risk society and its influence on the development of general education and liberal arts college. Therefore, in chapter two, the research discusses the concept of risk society and the function of higher education. In chapter three, the research explores the idea of liberal education, the characteristics of liberal arts college and the development of general education. Chapter four shows the risk social condition and the plight of general education in Taiwan. In chapter five, the rise of liberal arts college in Taiwan is analyzed from the viewpoint of risk society. In chapter six, the research focuses on the different views of professional education, general education and liberal arts college. Finally, in chapter seven, the research draws conclusions from preceding research findings. (1) Industry society’s dependence on a single scientific reason can not solve the crises caused by the risk society. (2) Modern society stresses expertise, relies on expert system, however, experts in risk society are no longer omnipotent. (3) Higher education caters to the market demand, leading to subject excessive differentiation. (4) General education is not enough to make up the phenomenon of fragmentation of knowledge. (5) Liberal arts college is to deepen the general education. (6)As liberal arts colleges in Taiwan are newly established, the effect remains to be assess.


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