標題: 探討科學推理融入科學探究課程對國小學生探究能力與科學推理之影響
Explore the effectiveness of inquiry learning with emphasis of scientific reasoning on students’ scientific reasoning ability, inquiry ability, and scientific conceptual construction
作者: 陳君婷
Chen, Chun-Ting
She, Hsiao-Ching
關鍵字: 科學推理融入探究教學;探究教學;探究能力;科學推理層級;scientific inquiry;scientific reasoning
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究將立基於探究(inquiry)教學模式,融入科學推理(scientific reasoning)的因素,設計融入科學推理的探究教學課程進行學習活動,企圖瞭解是否融入科學推理之探究教學對於學生的探究能力、科學推理能力以及科學概念建構之影響。 研究採用實驗研究法之準實驗設計,對象為國小五年級的學生四個班共115人,實驗組以半學期共九堂課在相關課程(包含美麗的星空、熱的傳播與保溫、聲音與樂器)上進行科學推理融入探究教學,而對照組則是採用探究教學。比較兩組學生在「概念測驗」、「科學探究能力測驗」、「科學推理測驗」之前測、後測及追蹤測成績的差異與迴歸分析,並對不同教學模式之學生的學習單結果進行探究能力與科學推理層級之分析,以瞭解深入學生在探究能力與科學推理之變化與比較。 結果顯示,概念測驗在後測與追蹤測皆為實驗組顯著優於對照組;在主題相依推理測驗中,實驗組顯著優於對照組,尤其在追蹤測時達顯著;在探究能力測驗不論在後測或是追蹤測亦為實驗組學生顯著優於對照組。在迴歸分析中顯示「主題相依推理後測」對「探究追蹤測」具有最佳解釋力。其次在學習單分析方面,兩組的學生探究能力其概念正確性與假設的可驗證性皆有提升且達顯著,其中實驗組較對照組更具有優勢;而實驗組的學生在科學推理層級上在單元間有明顯的進步,表示科學推理融入探究教學是較探究教學更可以提升孩童的科學推理層級。
The research attempts to explore the effects of the inquiry instruction with or without integrating scientific reasoning on students’ inquiry ability, content dependent scientific reasoning ability and science concept construction. This research involved a quasi-experimental design. Four intact classes of 115 fifth-grade students participated in the study. There were 61 students in the experimental group who received inquiry instruction with scientific reasoning, and the other 54 students in the control group who received the inquiry instruction without scientific reasoning for nine classes period during a semester. The three tests of the Science Conception Construction Test, Subject Dependent Reasoning Test and Inquiry Ability Test were applied for both experimental and control group students before, directly after, and after the sixth week of the research as pre-, post- and retention-test. Results indicate that experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in the Science Conception Construction Test, Content Dependent Scientific Reasoning Test and Inquiry Ability Test on both immediate effect and retaining effect. The gualitative results of students’ learning process were further analyzed according to correct conceptions for the domain of generating hypothesis and making conclusions, predicitability of hypothesis, and the level of scientific reasoning for the domain of generating hypothesis and making conclusions. Results show that experimental group significantly outperformed than to the control group, regardless of correctness of concepts and level of scientific reasoning in the domain of generating hypothesis and making concluions. In addition, the level of scientific reasoning were used by the experimental group also significantly increase as time went on. These findings demonstrate that inquiry integrate with or without scientific reasoning indeed fostered students’ scientific inquiry ability and scientific reasoning, however, inquiry integrate with scientific reasoning performed significantly better than to the group of inquiry without scientific reasoning.


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