標題: 以介電泳操控介電微液滴與氣泡
Manipulations of Dielectric Droplets and Bubbles by Dielectrophoresis
作者: 林帝宇
Lin, Di-Yu
Fan, Shih-Kang
關鍵字: 介電濕潤;介電泳;導電微液滴;介電微液滴;氣泡;electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD);dielectroporesis (DEP);conductive droplet;dielectric droplet;bubble
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文提出以介電泳傳送、合併與分割介電微液滴與氣泡,藉由主動(單一電極)及被動(雙電極)驅動之方式,實現於一維與二維電極陣列平臺上。介電微液滴(矽油)可主動地被驅動,並結合介電濕潤技術,同時操控導電微液滴(水)於一晶片上。再者,介電微液滴可在25 □m高之兩平行板間,以被動方式施加400 VDC進行傳送。在操控氣泡於矽油中的研究,施加650 VDC於一維電極陣列,可傳送氣泡在75 □m高之兩平行板間。氣泡之傳送、分割與合併,亦於25□□m高之兩平行板間,以主動式與被動式操控,在二維電極陣列上完成。
This thesis presents the manipulations of dielectric droplets and bubbles by dielectrophoresis (DEP) through active and passive driving mechanisms with one or two dimensional electrode arrays. Dielectric (silicone oil) droplets are driven actively on a chip where electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) is employed to actuate conductive (water) droplets concurrently. Moreover, dielectric droplets are passively driven in a 25 □m-high gap between two parallel plats when 400 VDC is applied. On the other hand, bubbles are driven in silicone oil by applying 650 VDC on a one dimensional electrode array between parallel plates that are 75 □m-apart. In addition, bubble transporting, splitting ,and merging are achieved in a 25 □m-high gap by active and passive driving mechanisms on a two dimensional electrode array.
Appears in Collections:Thesis