標題: 在WiMAX/WiFi 異質網路上跨層媒介獨立換手機制
A Cross-Layering Media-Independent Handover Mechanism in Heterogeneous WiMAX/WiFi Networks
作者: 黃月慧
Huang, Yue-Huei
Chen, Yaw-Chung
關鍵字: WiMAX;WiFi;MIH;異質性換手;WiMAX;WiFi;MIH;Heterogeneous handover
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 無線技術普及在最近幾年,共存多種無線技術是一個研究議題。在發展未來無線通訊系統過程有一重要的挑戰是在跨不同的無線存取技術時,提供使用者一個無縫隙的服務,並且透過單一行動裝置去維持服務品質。然而,當行動節點跨不同網路移動時,多樣化的設計會導致服務品質下降。對於下一世代網路來說,整合異質性網路將是一個重要議題。在一個無線存取網路換到另一個無線存取網路時,由於降低整個換手時間以及服務中斷時間,來支持無縫隙移動並且確保進行中的連結不會被中斷。

在這篇論文中,我們為了實行整合IEEE 802.11無線區域網路和IEEE 802.16無線都會區域網路,使用一個由IEEE所發展的新標準。IEEE 802.21也叫做媒介獨立換手 (MIH),提供一個架構來幫助同質性換手以及異質性換手。首先,我們描述在IEEE 802.21換手程序,並且與其他文獻上提出之方法比較。再來是,我們說明我們所提出的方法運用FMIPv6,換手在異質性網路上,並且對於不同的方法進行數學分析。最後,我們在NS2模擬器上,模擬以及比較我們的方法和其它已提出的方案。
Wireless technologies have been popularized these recent years and it is a research issue to the coexistence and seamless service across multiple wireless technologies. The main challenge in the development of future wireless communication systems is to provide users with a wide range of services across different radio access technologies through a single mobile node, while maintaining the quality of service requirements. However, design varieties can lead to service degradation as the mobile node move across different systems. The integration of heterogeneous networks will be a trend for next generation networks. For supporting seamless mobility and ensuring the ongoing session not to be disrupted from one access network to another, it is necessary to reduce total handover time and service disruption time.
In this thesis, we try to integrate IEEE 802.11 WLANs and IEEE 802.16 WMANs, using the new standard developed by IEEE standard group. IEEE 802.21 is also called Media Independent Handover (MIH) which provides a framework for facilitating homogeneous handover and heterogeneous handover. First, we describe handover procedure of IEEE 802.21 and compare it with the completed method from the literature. Second, we discuss our proposed scheme using FMIPv6 to handover across networks and use mathematical analysis for different schemes. Last, we perform experiment on the NS2 simulator and compare it with the other existed methods from the literatures.
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