標題: 建立RFID安全物流系統之研究
A study on RFID-based secure logistic system
作者: 黃昱華
Huang, Yu-Hua
Tsai, Wen-Nung
關鍵字: 無線射頻辨識技術;快速離線驗證平台;辨識標籤;RFID;Fast Offline Validation Platform;V-Tag
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來物流運輸系統已漸漸開始導入無線射頻辨識技術(RFID),成功的改變物流運輸產業的執行流程。在尚未導入RFID系統時,當物品抵達集散中心需依靠人力的方式一箱一箱的去比對貨物的條碼(Bar Code),但在導入後,貼有RFID識別標籤的貨物可直接由RFID讀寫器一次讀取大量的貨物且自動識別其正確性。 目前導入無線射頻辨識機制的物品驗證平台,在RFID讀寫器讀取貨物資料後,須經由網路將資料送至後台伺服器進行辨識的動作,由於驗證時須依賴網路的支援,因此當貨物集散中心的網路發生問題時便無法進行貨物的驗證,且後台伺服器是依據廠商所提供的產品清單來比對貨物是否正確,所以當貨物量大時貨物驗證所需的時間會相當的冗長。 本論文提出在離線的狀態下驗證貨物的平台,解決驗證貨物須依賴網路傳遞資料的問題,且導入密碼學中的雜湊函數以及簽章演算法,當驗證的貨物量變大時,驗證所需的時間不會隨之增加。
Before RFID system introduced, the validation of cargo were checked by manpower with bar code. Since RFID system has been introduced and accepted by logistics industries years ago, the validation processes are changed from using manpower with bar code to using RFID readers with tags, which could be performed automatically to shorten the processing time. In current logistics system, all the data obtained by the RFID readers have to be sent to back-end server via network to validate these cargos. Once the network occurs problems, the process of cargo validation has to be delayed. In this thesis, we proposed a solution, the fast offline validation platform, to solve this problem. In this platform, we utilized cryptographic functions such as message digest, digital signature, etc., to ensure security compliance during the validation process.


  1. 654401.pdf

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