標題: RFID 無線射頻識別技術安全加強之研究
Study on Enhancing Security of RFID Technology
作者: 蔡文能
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 早在2002 年時,美國Wal-Mart 便主動推廣RFID 技術,分別於2005 及2006 年要 求全球前一百大與接著的三百大供應商必須貼上RFID,在2007 年更進一步要求另三百 家供應商使用RFID。台灣的廠商大部分不瞭解RFID 是怎樣的技術,但迫於無奈只能採 取「Slap-and-Ship」的配合策略,以便能夠持續獲得訂單。國內政府直到2006 年才推 動RFID 公領域計畫,開始培育國內種子廠商來仿效國外推動RFID 所能帶來之獲利。因 此RFID 成為目前最為關鍵的技術指標,在未來的十年內必定成為影響全球經濟的主要 科技。美國Frost & Sullivan 發展顧問公司預測2009 年全球RFID 產值將達60 億美金。 然而對於RFID 軟體產業來說,因為RFID 硬體尚處於未成熟階段,加上國內軟體產業未 蓬勃發展,導致現在仍是處於一片渾沌不明的階段。以國內系統整合的實力,整個RFID 價值鍊上最為欠缺的就是中介軟體的部分。 我們目前進行中的研究計畫,已經發展模組化的RFID 軟體關鍵技術與中界軟體核 心。為了加強RFID 應用系統的安全性,確保資料在無線傳輸和網路上交換時的安全性, 本計畫要把我們開發中的RFID middleware API 用W3C 的網路安全規範,包含XML 加密 (XML Encryption)、XML 簽章(XML Signature)和XML 金鑰管理規範(XML Key Management Specification, XKMS 結合Web services 提供RFID 應用系統更安全的傳輸環境。 藉由此項計畫,我們將會同時具有RFID 產業與資通安全整合能力與相關學術研究 能力。藉由我們所開發中介軟體(Middleware)整合Web services 與XML 加解密和XKMS 技術,更進一步進行我們所謂的加強安全性的RFID 應用,以避免目前大部份研究都在 紙上談兵停滯不前的狀況。此外,透過我們所研發的整合中介軟體與XML 加解密 /SOAP/XKMS 以及Web Services 和PKI,提昇RFID 應用系統的安全性,將可快速帶 動國內產業進入RFID 的領域。此外,因為有實質的RFID 硬體設備,我們的學術研究 將可以更紮實,更深入實際狀況。
Starting from 2002,Wal-Mart company in USA decided to adopt the RFID technology to improve the efficiency of the supply chain. Starting from January 2005, Wal-Mart mandated their top 100 suppliers to ship pallets with RFID tag affixed.Wal-Mart then asked 300 more suppliers to use RFID tags on 2006, and another 300 more on 2007. Therefore, RFID becomes the key technology and will affect global economics within following ten years. Frost & Sullivan projects the global RFID market to exceed US$6.0 billion by 2009, a six-fold increase from US$1.1 billion in 2005. However, RFID software industry in Taiwan is still marking time partly because of immature RFID hardware development or straggled software industry environment. All we need is a set of flexible and powerful middleware that can be used as the bridge between RFID technology and existing application programs. In previous research, we already developed a core set of RFID middleware API that can help the reader to collect correct Tag information correctly, which can be used for various RFID application system.. In this research, we will enhance the middleware, with XML/SOAP and Web Services, and XML encryption/decryption along with XKMS and CA/PKI, to improve the security of the RFID application system. We will integrate our RFID middleware APIs with Web services, and as well as the OpenCA PKI platform. By doing this research, we will have both the RFID industry integration capability with information security and research energy.We will design and implement hardware independent middleware and XKMS basedWeb services that can be used with various RFID tag devices. Based on this self-designed middleware andWeb services, we will apply to some applications to build a demo example.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-086
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101446