标题: 一个照相手机上的牛眼码解码系统
A Decoding System of MaxiCode using the Camera Mobile Phone
作者: 郭益成
Kuo, Yi-Cheng
Chen, Ling-Hwei
关键字: 影像处理;二维条码;照相手机;牛眼码;Image Processing;2D Barcode;Camera Mobile Phone;MaxiCode
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 在本论文中,我们提出了一个牛眼码(MaxiCode)的解码系统,并实作于照相手机上。牛眼码是一种尺寸固定的矩阵式二维条码,主要为运输业所使用来储存货物运送资讯。论文中,我们利用照相手机对牛眼码取像,再对拍下的影像作处理。首先,我们利用边缘点的资讯,对影像进行二值化的处理。对二值化后的影像,利用细线化处理后的结果,寻找最大的连通分量(Connected Components),以定位牛眼码的探测图案(Finder Pattern)。对于牛眼码在图片中可能旋转的情形,利用定位图案(Orientation Patterns)将条码转正。而拍照所造成条码边界的形变,利用反透视转换(Inverse Perspective Transformation)来校正。最后以水平投影的方式撷取出资料点的长度,转换成对应的模组来进行解码的动作。实验结果显示本系统能正确且有效率的对牛眼码图片进行解码。
In this thesis, we construct a MaxiCode decoding system, and we implement it on the camera mobile phone. MaxiCode is a fixed-size matrix 2D barcode, and it is often used by transportation industry to record the transportation information of packages. In our system, we process the MaxiCode’s picture which is taken by the camera phone. Firstly, the edge points of the picture are used for the image binarization. Next, we use the thinned connected components to locate the Finder Pattern of MaxiCode, and we find the Orientation Pattern of Maxicode to rotate the code into the right position. Then we extract the boarders of MaxiCode, and we use inverse perspective transformation to rectify the code shape. Finally, the run-length of data points are extracted by horizontal projection, and the modules corresponding to the run-length are taken to decode. Experimental results show that the system can decode the MaxiCode image correctly and efficiently.


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