標題: 從協同教學中學習:探究以英語為外語教學(TEFL)的學生教師之小組協同教學經驗。
Learning by teaching together: An exploratory study of TEFL student teachers’ team-teaching experiences in Taiwan.
作者: 陳心彤
Chen, Sin-Tong
Huang, Shu-Chen
關鍵字: 協同教學;學生教師;專業合作;近側發展區(ZPD);Team Teaching;Student Teachers;Professional Collaboration;Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD)
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 很多的研究者(Bartlett, 1990; Buchberger et al., 2000; Guyton, 2003; Johnson, 2002; Lieberman & Miller, 1990)建議師資培育機構應該考量發展能鼓勵合作的教學經驗,因為合作教學有益於提高個人的學習和賦予老師不同的角色。過去的研究致力於外籍和台灣當地的在職英文教師之間的小組協同教學(e.g., Chen, 2008; Cheng, 2004; Chou, 2005; Liou, 2002; Lou, 2005; Pan, 2004; Tsai, 2007; Wang, 2006); 但是卻少有研究探討協同教學對於本籍英語為外語教學(TEFL)的學生教師之專業發展。 因此,本研究試圖探究以英語為外語教學的學生教師之小組協同教學經驗,並且了解學生教師在合作教學關係中所獲得的成長。本研究的對象是兩對正在台灣某一所英語教學研究所就讀的研究生。這四位學生教師,兩人一組,教授大學生全民英語檢定的測驗準備技巧。本研究為質性的個案研究,使用的資料收集方法包括課室觀察、半結構式訪談、研究參與者的教學日誌、開放式問卷、研究者的實地札記和課堂教學的錄影來收集資料以求完備。 本研究結果顯示學生教師對協同教學敍述和觀點不同。研究參與者提供象徵協同教學的隱喻,以及她們描述最難忘的教學事件,有助於我們了解她們的協同教學經驗。研究參與者也在協同教學過程中扮演不同的角色。她們對各種不同角色的詮釋有助於了解合作教學的經驗。而關於從中獲得的成長,研究結果顯示學生教師於課程及教材設計方面的知識成長最多。此外,她們也透過參與備課過程和課堂觀察,了解彼此在教學上的優勢和弱點。 最後依據本研究結果,討論以英語為外語教學的教育機構,如何設計並實施協同教學於課程之中。也針對教師實習制度提出相關建議,期望未來能融入協同教學的概念,提升學生教師的專業成長。
Researchers (Bartlett, 1990; Buchberger et al., 2000; Guyton, 2003; Johnson, 2002; Lieberman & Miller, 1990) have often suggested that pre-service teacher preparation institutions should consider developing field experiences that encourage teamwork since collaboration with others is beneficial to enhancing individual learning and creating new roles for teachers (Richards & Farrell, 2005). Previous research has been devoted to team teaching between foreign and local English in-service teachers in Taiwan (e.g., Chen, 2008; Cheng, 2004; Chou, 2005; Liou, 2002; Lou, 2005; Pan, 2004; Tsai, 2007; Wang, 2006); however, there is little research on team teaching as a facet of nonnative Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) pre-service teachers’ professional development. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the team teaching experiences of TEFL student teachers, and to illuminate student teachers' growth in a collaborative-teaching relationship. The participants are two pairs of the 1st-year graduate students pursuing their Masters of Art (MA) degree in an Institute of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in Taiwan. The four student teachers, two in a team, teach college students General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) test-preparation skills. To explore the team teaching experiences, the study utilizes a qualitative case study design. Multiple data collection methods were adopted, including classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, reflective logs kept by the student teachers, open-ended questionnaires, researcher’s field notes and video-recording the lessons. Findings suggested that student teachers' description and perception of their experiences in team teaching differed. The metaphors they provided for team teaching and the teaching incidents they described as the most memorable serve as a window to understand their experiences. In addition, the participants took the different roles during the team-teaching process. The interpretation of the varied roles given by each participant helps to gain a better understanding of their experiences of collaboration. With regard to the teachers' growth, findings revealed that the student teachers benefited from the collaboration, especially the increasing knowledge of course and material design. In addition, they also gained the knowledge of each other’s strengths and weaknesses through participation in lesson planning and peer watching. This paper closes by discussing how team teaching can be designed and implemented in TEFL teacher education programs as well as teaching practicum to facilitate teacher learners' professional growth.


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