標題: 國小英語協同教學課堂中教師故事朗讀方法與學生字彙學習成效
Teachers’ Reading-Aloud Styles and Students’ Vocabulary Learning in Team-Teaching Elementary Efl Classrooms
作者: 林律君
關鍵字: 教師故事朗讀;字彙教學;字彙學習;協同教學;中外籍英語教師;storybook reading-aloud;vocabulary instruction;vocabulary learning;team teaching;NEST and non-NEST
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 中外籍教師英語協同教學在亞太地區已漸普遍,而台灣自2001 年開始推動 國小英語教育,許多縣市亦陸續實施中外籍英語教師協同教學。然而,截至目 前,與英語協同教學相關的研究中,僅有少數探討中外籍教師課堂實際教學方 法,比較中外籍教師教學實施的異同,了解教學方法對學生學習成效可能的影 響。本研究旨在檢視國小英語協同教學課堂中,中外籍教師的故事朗讀方法及 過程中所運用的字彙教學方法,藉用標準化字彙測驗及故事目標字測驗,評量 學生字彙學習成效,進一步探究學生字彙學習與教師教學方法間可能的相關 性。 本研究將提供四位國小英語教師兩本知識性的英語故事書(information storybooks),其中兩位為外籍教師,兩位為本國籍教師,本研究將錄影並觀 察他們朗讀故事書的過程,辨識其所使用的故事朗讀方法,及字彙教學方法, 以期呈現中外籍教師所使用的朗讀方法及字彙教學方法的異同。在故事朗讀 前,四個班級學生皆會接受字彙測驗,評估學生字彙的起始能力及之後的字彙 學習成效。結果將探討教師教學方法與學生學習成效及其他背景因素間的相關 性,如學生起始字彙能力、英語學習時間及課後學習時間。 本研究相信藉由探究來自不同語言與文化背景的中外籍教師在協同教學的 過程中所展現教學方式的異同,思考如何截長補短,真正落實協同教學冀望豐 富並提升學生語言學習及文化涵養的目標。
Intercultural team teaching between native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) and local non-native-English-speaking teachers (non-NESTs) has emerged as a common feature of English education in the Asia-Pacific region since late 20th centuries. In Taiwan, after the introduction of English curricula at elementary school level in 2001, intercultural team teaching has also become increasingly common in elementary schools. Relatively little is known about actual teaching practices employed by the two groups of teachers, differences in teaching practices between them, and potential association of certain teaching practices with students’ language learning outcomes. The proposed research project aims to examine storybook reading-aloud styles and vocabulary instruction practices of NESTs and local non-NESTs and then determine the associated effects of different vocabulary instruction practices have on students’ vocabulary learning in team-teaching English classrooms. Video recordings of two elementary school English teacher dyads, 2 NESTs and 2 non-NESTs, reading two designated informational storybooks in four team-teaching classrooms will be collected and analyzed for story reading-aloud styles and language complexity. Instances in which the teachers employ particular reading-aloud styles and vocabulary practices will be identified and coded. Differences in reading-aloud styles and vocabulary instructional practices between NESTs and non-NESTs will then be compared and discussed. Target vocabulary tests will be administered before and at the end of each story reading-aloud session. Students’ target vocabulary knowledge will be analyzed in relation to teachers’ story reading-aloud styles and uses of different vocabulary instruction practices as well as other mediating factors (e.g., students’ initial level of vocabulary knowledge, length of English learning, and after-school English learning etc.). It is the belief of the present study that by exploring how NESTs and non-NESTs with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds teach and teach together in their language classrooms, we will be able to propose ways in which teaching partners in the team can learn from and complement each other with regard to their strengths and weaknesses in team-teaching practices and thus provide EFL students with a rich language environment and cultural experience so as to facilitate their English learning.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-029
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98392