Title: 品牌模式對價值鏈協同策略的影響—品牌模式與協同策略之分析矩陣
Analysis of Value Chain Collaboration Strategy for a Matrix of Brand Models – A Brand Matrix for Analyzing Value Chin Collaboration Strategy
Authors: 徐世昌
Keywords: 品牌模式;價值鏈;協同策略;Brand Model;Value Chain;Collaboration Strategy
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 過去品牌經營者多以製造思維角度看供應鏈問題,但是面對這次金融海嘯,卻造成了許多品牌經營者面對突然消失的需求導致存貨遽增、品牌力下滑,品牌經營者開始思考是否應該跟零售商學習,以需求思維角度來看供應鏈,能夠快速的掌握前端需求之變化,透過供應鏈協同提升品牌競爭優勢。

有鑑於過去許多論文分別在品牌經營及供應鏈協同議題各自進行探討,但卻缺乏針對相互之間影響關聯之研究,本文著重探討從零售商與品牌供應商角度, 如何應用不同供應鏈協同策略以支援產品與品牌的發展,達到快速回應市場需求之目的。

Over the years branded companies have largely viewed supply chain problems from the point of supply and considered supply chain issues as parts of manufacturing problems. However, in today’s rapidly changing market environment, especially after the financial tsunami of 2008, many branded companies faced a drastic dip in their market demand, and a decline in brand loyalty. These changes drove branded companies to reevaluate their views of supply chain problems to focus more on changes in market demand rather than inefficiencies in manufacturing or logistics. Branded companies have started to put more effort into quickly detecting changes in market demand so that they can adjust their supply to meet market demand accordingly. Being able to quickly adjust their supply to meet changes in demand, branded companies can operate in a more efficient and competitive way, and rebuild their brand advantages for the long run.

Many researchers have thoroughly discussed the topics of brand management and supply chain strategy. However most of those discussions studied these two topics in a separate manner. Those studies lack sufficient research on how brand management and supply chain collaboration strategy work together and impact each other. This thesis is to analyze from a retailer and branded manufacturer’s perspective how to utilize supply chain collaboration strategies for a matrix of brand models: private brand, vertical brand, and general brand in order to meet the requirement of quick response to constantly and rapidly changing market demands.

In our research, first by reviewing supply chain approaches for branded companies across several industries, we classify a brand matrix based on brand models and product characteristics. And then through the analysis of four case studies, Zara, Apple, P&G, and Watsons, we discuss their behavior and key supply chain strategies and show the strategic focuses across the brand matrix. We illustrate what companies need to do to fully benefit from their collaboration strategies, given their particular circumstances. We conclude with guidelines of supply chain collaboration strategy while branded companies face the changes of market factors such as demand patterns, supply relationships or product innovation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis