標題: 創新創新模型對台灣手工具產業經營之發展影響---以個案A公司為例
A study of Enterprise Development of Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers Based on the Innovation Model and Development Strategies
作者: 游祥鎮
Yu, Hsiang-Chen
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 製造代工(OEM);設計代工(ODM);手工具產業;創新研發策略;防禦策略;普哈垃的創新法則;積極取勝策略;結構性轉變;基礎性轉變;OEM;ODM;HAND TOOL;INNOVATION MODEL;Play-to-Win;Play-Not-to-Lose;A NEW AGE OF INNOVATION;architectural trans-formation;foundational trans-formation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 摘  要 手工具為傳統之產業,然全球有美金約千億的產值,台灣手工具業2007年產值約台幣 800 億 • 因此成長空問相當大。自 1990 年代開始,中國大陸憑藉低廉的生產成本優勢,於 2003 超越台灣,成為全球第一大手工具出口國。中國大陸手工具業的興起,雖然給台灣的業者帶來極大的競爭壓力,但不可否認地,中國大陸也迫使國內業者加快創新與轉型,並促進台灣手工具產業的全面升級。 在手工具套筒板手產業由熱鍛壓演進為冷鍛壓、連續沖壓,產生了徹底型的變化,使核心資產改變。在應用相關精密機械製程技術使產品品質獲得國際肯定後,台灣業者從生產製造轉型,並進行各種商業活動。創新模型就更加多元:或持續深化 OEM,以垂直整合降低生產成本;或進行海外投資,到中國大陸、越南等國家設廠;或跨入ODM ,從新產品設計、開發、專利申請及佈局;有的廠商以個別或結盟投資的方向,跨入 OBM或進行數位化產品發展的模式。其中以產品的創新回收特別顯著,有些產品贏得iF, G mark獎。 除了產品的創新維持自身競爭力外,如何獲得外部資源;如何選擇適當的創新研發策略也是企業必須思考的議題。 本文探討創新模型的理論,並針對台灣手工具業界領導廠商高階管理人員進行訪談,以及本研究多年的經驗歷程:並輔以個案公司管理人員問卷調查、書籍、文件、檔案等次級資料收集的方式,進行個案研究分析。 依據所得資料,綜合現有理論與個案的實證及文獻相互分析比較,以分析個案公司企業核心能力,並建議可行的發展策略 • 以下為本文研究目的: 1.創新模型理論為基礎,探討手工具產業的創新模型發展• 2. 提供個案公司在手工具產業的創新核心能力分析,並建議可行之創新模型發展策略。 3.提供台灣相關手工具業者及政府之經營發展策略參考 .
Hand tool industry is traditional business. It provides about 100billion USD per year. It creates more than 80billion NT sale amount per year. Therefore hand tool capables a big potential business. Since 1990 Chinese producers started to export, relied on its low labor cost served low price to win the world No.1 exporter of hand tool business from2003. Ignored the rising up of Chinese producer’s threatened, Taiwanese producers was been pushing to up grade their quality and making business innovation. By new process of Forming adapted it has made a radical revolution canged and applied precise machine, it has made the quality of Taiwan products gained the high evaluation. Taiwanese producers not only improved the process engineering but also improved business model by innovation.It includes:Cost down by vertical integration or invested in China or Vietnan, making new products design; applling patent, grouping with union to promote their brand, or developing in Digital tool. Especially New products design has won remarkable rewards.Many products got Award of iF,G mark. How to get resource support from government and institutes; How to make right innovation strategy decision is also an important issue. In order to answer questions described above, this sturdy is going to do data mining from Periodicals, Books. questionnaires from managers of Taiwan hand tool leading companys , research data by the writers 30 years experience in socket wrench manufactuering . The study will compare those data and analysis the results, so to find possible answers to those questions. 1. A study of Enterprise Development of Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers based on the Innovation Model. 2 Provided the A case study company a core competence ability analysis and the possibility of innovation model strategy. 3. The results of study can be refered by governers for decision making on hand tool developing strategy.


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