標題: 跨國企業在中國大陸呼叫中心市場策略之研究-以A 公司為例
Research on Business Strategies of Global Company on Call Center Market in Mainland China -a Case Study of Company A
作者: 曾怡禎
Tzeng ,Yi-Jen
Yang , Chyan
關鍵字: 呼叫中心;策略;SWOT分析;五力分析;Call Center;Strategy;SWOT;Five-Force Analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在中國大陸經濟的快速增長、企業競爭和服務意識的提高、電話普及率逐年提高、電信資費的下調、互聯網的迅速普及、加入WTO的影響等因素,促使呼叫中心(Call Center)市場規模快速增長。 呼叫中心市場在先進國家多已進入成熟期階段,在中國大陸則仍處於成長期階段,未來商機潛力很大。個案公司自1996 將呼叫中心設備引進中國大陸,經過多年的經營與發展,已成為市場上的領導品牌。 本研究針對中國大陸呼叫中心的市場發展情況進行研究,以呼叫中心的市場環境分析為出發點,通過對中國大陸呼叫中心市場的宏觀環境和微觀環境兩個方面進行分析,探討呼叫中心市場發展的驅動因素與阻礙因素,並對市場規模及不同之細分市場進行分析。 進而針對個案公司在中國大陸的各項策略進行研究,以SWOT分析個案公司的各項策略,並以五力模型對個案公司在中國大陸的競爭環境進行分析。 研究結果發現:1.個案公司在中國大陸呼叫中心市場的主要競爭優勢來自於成功之渠道策略與產品策略。2.中國大陸呼叫中心市場之競爭環境,有利於個案公司在中國大陸之未來發展,其前景是值得期待的。
Call Center market scale in China has grown up rapidly under the effect of the following factors: speedy economic growth, keen business competition, rising of service consciousness, annual increasing on popularization rate of telephone usage, decreasing of telecommunication charging rate, fast popularization of internet application, and joining to the WTO. Call Center market has marched into matured stage for advanced countries, while for China it is still at the growing stage with huge market potential in the future. Company A has introduced Call Center to China since 1996 and has become the leading brand in the market after many years’ operation and development. The research is focusing on the analysis of development of Call Center market in China, that is basing on the market environments through approaching both the macroscopic and microscopic environments and then further explores its driving factors and interfering factors to the development, also conducts analysis on market scale and diversified market segments. Further more to conduct research on Company A’s various strategies in China, with SWOT method analyzes its strategies and with Five-Force model analyzes its competitive environment in China. Eventually it concluded that: 1. Company A’s competitive advantage in Call Center market in China is derived from its successful channel strategies and product strategies. 2. Competitive environments in Call Center market in China is advantageous to Company A’s future development, its prospect is well anticipated.