標題: 利他與利己勸募訴求對於急難與窮困類型受害者的捐助行為影響
The Effectiveness of Other-benefit Versus Self-benefit Fundraising Appeals in Soliciting Charitable Donations to Two Victim Types: the Emergent-poor and the Chronic-poor
作者: 洪久媄
Hung, Chiu-Mei
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵字: 緊急受害者;窮困受害者;利他勸募訴求;利己勸募訴求;同理關切;emergent poor;chronic poor;other-benefit appeal;self-benefit appeal;empathic concern
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 一般慈善組織所進行的勸募活動,其受助對象所面臨的困境主要可分為兩類:其一為急難類型困境,其二為窮困類型困境。急難的情況指受助者的生活突然遭逢巨變、發生始料未及的衝擊事件,導致其現況與原本的生活水平產生極大落差,陷入拮据的困境,需要捐助人幫忙以度過難關;而窮困的狀況指受助者的生活長期間都處於貧乏的狀態,需要捐助人的幫忙才能維持基本的生活水平。
Among the charitable activities going on in the society, the victims in need can be categorized in two major types: the emergent poor and the chronic poor. In this research, we define the emergent poor as victims who face with sudden, unpredictable difficulties, and thus suffering a drastic drop in living standards. Without help from the outside world, the emergent poor can barely survive the hardship. On the contrary, the chronic poor are people who for a long time have been living in poverty, and they need help from others to sustain basic level of living.
On the other hand, this research divides charitable fundraising appeals into two categories: other-benefit appeals and self-benefit appeals. Other-benefit appeals highlight that the main beneficiary of support is the victim, while self-benefit appeals, the donor. This research further poses a research question: what effects do karmic-reward appeals, one form of self-benefit appeals have on donation amount?
In the experiment, the author tests the prediction that other-benefit appeals generate more favorable support than self-benefit appeals for the emergent poor. For the chronic poor, self-benefit appeals are more effective than other-benefit appeals in generating donations. Answering the research question, karmic-reward appeals prove less effective than other-benefit appeals but more effective than self-benefit appeals for the emergent poor; for the chronic poor, karmic-reward appeals is the least effective among the three types of appeals.


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