标题: 工作满意度、工作轮调组织因素对转调意愿的影响─以轮调知觉为中介效果
The Influence of Job Satisfaction and the Organizational Factors in Job Rotation on Employees’ Willingness to Job Transfer- Rotation Perception as a Mediator
作者: 黄尹贞
Huang, Yin-Jen
Huang, Jen-Hong
关键字: 工作满意度;工作轮调组织因素;转调意愿;轮调知觉;集团;Job Satisfaction;Organizational Factors in Job Rotation;Willingness to Transfer;Rotation Perception;Business Group
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 集团企业数量的增加及集团本身事业版图的扩张,伴随产生众多关系企业、分公司或子公司,集团间人力调动的需求亦随之攀升,如何使集团的人力资源充分运用,获致组织之经营目标,已成为集团企业于整体人力资源管理上的重要课题之一。


The increasing numbers of enterprise groups and their expansions of business accompany considerable branch companies or related enterprises. The demands of rotating manpowers among enterprise groups are escalating owing to it. How to make human resourse among these groups completely, well worked, reaching the business goal of the organization has become one of the significant issues on management of overall human resource in the enterprise groups.
In this study, we select the business group staff in HsinChu Science park- the first Taiwan science park- as subjects of our study. By using the “convenience sampling” technique, we received 115 valid questionnaires. The purpose mainly discusses the factors affecting the willingness of employees’ rotating in the company or within the group, hopefully, benefitng the organiztion and the individual by upgrading from rotating willingness to rotating system.
Analyze these data using Pearson correlation and regression analysis, we concluded that:
1. Among job satisfaction, a portion of motivator influences employees’ willingness on job transfer.
2. Among organizational factors of job rotation, organization’s value on job transfer influences employees’ perception of job transfer.
3. Interaction between organizational factors of job rotation and employees’ perception of job transfer is an immediate factor in affecting employees’ willingness to job transfer.
4. There are no distinct differences between within-company and within-business-group about organizational factors of job rotation, employees’ perception of job transfer and employees’ willingness to job transfer job rotation.