Title: 供應鏈中成員資訊分享機制之建立--以台灣某TFT-LCD製造廠為例
Implementation of Information Sharing Mechanism in a Supply Chain - A Case Study on a TFT-LCD Manufacturer in Taiwan
Authors: 陳順德
Keywords: 供應鏈;資訊分享;Supply Chain;Informatioin Sharing
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 全球經濟的快速發展、資訊科技的持續進步及消費市場的改變,使的市場競爭變得更加劇烈,要能勝出,就必須對快速變化提出快速回應,以滿意顧客的需求。因此企業須思考著如何讓產業上下游籍由合作關係提升運作績效。
本研究設計一個能促成供應鏈夥伴分享資訊的方法,從初始選定導入材料的項目、供應商篩選、分享資訊層級的設計、至實際執行後的回饋。本研究將此流程實際應用於國內某TFT-LCD (Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)製造廠與其PCBA供應商完成資訊分享的經驗。

關鍵字 : 供應鏈,資訊分享
With the rapid development of the global economy, the continuing progress of information technology and the changes in the consumer market, the competition becomes more and more intense. To be successful in this market, we must make quick response to changes to satisfy our customers. So enterprises need to consider how to improve the operational performance by the partnership of upstream and downstream industries.
In the cooperation between enterprises, cooperation on the information flow is essential. The adequate information capacity and information sharing on the basis of mutual trust can promote the integration of supply chain and reduce the uncertainty of the supply chain. Many researches had suggested that information sharing in the supply chain can create community interest. However, information sharing would involve many aspects, including the methods, the scope and the quality of information shared, inter-organizational trust, the protection of commercial secrets, the cost and the benefit of information systems integration. All these issues are key to the success inter-organizational information sharing in practice. This study aims at exploring how to build an efficient model which can promote the information sharing among supply chain partnership such that the supplier and the manufacturer can quickly establish an effective information sharing mechanism to improve supply chain efficiency. The model developed was implemented in a TFT-LCD (Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display TFT LCD) manufacturer in Taiwan and its PCBA suppliers to facilitate their sharing of information. After establishing information sharing , the percentage of production shut down that was caused by lacking of PCBA among materials shortage reduced from 17.39% to 2.11% ,so via the mode of this study can establish efficacy information sharing between manufacturer and suppliers , and reduced the uncertainty of the supply chain.

Key words: Supply chains, Information Sharing
Appears in Collections:Thesis