Title: 我國汽車產業供應鏈特性之探討
A Study of Supply Chain Characteristics for Automotive Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 陳育菁
Yu-Ching Chen
Anthony Fu-Wha Han
Keywords: 汽車產業;供應鏈;資訊電子化;Automotive Industry;Supply Chain;E-business Status
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本研究之目的在於呈現我國汽車產業之供應鏈特性,針對國內主要的汽車製造廠商、零組件廠商,將其實體流與資訊流之運作現況作一呈現。研究內容分為三個部分:第一部份藉由汽車產業整體之相關資料探討,獲得汽車產業現況及其中衛體系;第二部份是針對汽車零組件廠商之供應鏈,找出大部分零組件廠商在實體流與資訊流的運作方式,並進一步了解廠商資訊電子化之現況與需求;第三部份則針對國內前五大車廠了解並比較其供應鏈特性,且從車廠之經營特性作比較,找出各車廠之差異。
The purpose of this study is to present the supply chain characteristics for automotive industry in Taiwan. Aimed at the main automobile manufacturers and component suppliers, the current operations of physical and information flow are investigated. The thesis consists of three parts. In part one, we described the current status of automotive industry and their vertical integrated network. In part two, we investigated the physical and information flow in the supply chain of component supplier and their e-business statuses and requirements. In part three, we compared the supply chain characteristics and company features between top five manufacturers in Taiwan.
In the investigation of the current status of automotive industry and their vertical integrated network, we found that all the manufacturers have their own foreign technical supporters, and their products, on the other hand, are focused in domestic market. The component suppliers have about 30% products for export and 70% for local market. The manufacturer and component suppliers vertically integrate the industry network.
For the automobile component suppliers' supply chain, we found the main material sources are supplied locally. Most suppliers' product stock is within one week. Component suppliers and their customer share information by electronic data interchange and telephone/fax. The electronic data interchange is mainly used in order transmission, sales and stock inquiries as the same as the most applications of their management information system.
As to the top five automobile manufacturers, we described their current status of supply chain and compared supply chain characteristics. While there are little differences between their supply chain characteristics, each company still has different product innovation and marketing strategy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis