標題: 由供應鏈結構探討產業電子化需求--以機電產業為例
A Supply Chain Perspective of e-B Requirement for the Electric Appliance Industry in Taiwan
作者: 林沛傑
Lin, Pei-Chieh
Anthony Fu-Wha Han
關鍵字: 供應鏈;電子化;電子商務;機電產業;家電業;重電業;Supply Chain;e-Business;e-Commerce;Appliance Industry;Electric Equipment Industry
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 全球化與網際網路發展改變了企業競爭方式,為因應全球化與網際網路發展趨勢,行政院於民國八十八年六月通過「產業自動化及電子化推動方案」,希望整合製造業供應鏈體系,並深入應用電子商務技術以提昇產業競爭力。本研究是國內首次以機電業為研究對象,探討其產業現況、供應鏈結構與供應鏈問題,並經由訪談與問卷資料,瞭解廠商推動電子化之需求,與政府輔導電子化之作法。 本研究訪談對象包括家電業聲寶、松下、歌林、櫻花、中國電器、台灣日光燈、普騰、三洋、東元,及重電業中興電工、亞力、華城、士林、樂士、瑞智、飛瑞等16家廠商;問卷寄發對象是根據中華民國電機電子公會會員名錄,以及登錄於中衛體系之廠商名錄,篩選出家電業與重電業廠商800家並寄發問卷,計回收70份,回收率為8.75%。 本研究針對過去文獻上繪製供應鏈的諸多方法,提出了七點供應鏈繪製原則,並根據該原則以及本研究需求,設計了「主力產品供應鏈結構圖」作為分析家電業與重電業中心廠供應鏈的主要工具。根據11份供應鏈結構圖以及14份訪談記錄,我們分別歸納家電業與重電業的供應鏈特性,以及目前在供應鏈管理上所遇到的問題。其中家電業與重電業所面臨的共同問題包括:1. 供應鏈夥伴間資訊分享程度低、2. 對於市場需求無法快速回應、3. 缺乏供應鏈管理與全球運籌管理經驗、4. 缺乏物流整合機制且物流外包比例不高。 在探討廠商電子化現況與推動電子化的需求時,本研究發現目前家電業與重電業廠商中有半數以上廠商在未來三年將推動電子化計畫,其推動電子化的重點方向主要是B2B電子商務與企業流程再造。廠商推動電子化的過程中,主要面臨的問題是:1. 沒有相關經驗、2. 衛星廠缺乏電子化基礎、3. 系統整合不易。廠商較需要的輔導內容包括經費補助、人才教育訓練、租稅獎勵/減免等。在輔導方式方面,廠商較偏好由政府成立專責的「中衛輔導團」協助推動電子化。 最後本研究彙整廠商供應鏈與電子化的研究結果,提出一個電子化供應鏈(e-Supply Chain)運作體系,並探討相關配套措施。
The recent development of information technology has enabled a company to form a competitive supply chain through virtual integration. The success of e-Business is highly related to supply chain management. This research takes a supply chain perspective to explore the e-B requirement of the electric appliance industry in Taiwan, and discusses the findings and suggestions. This research started with literature review to reveal the recent development and trends of business competition and supply chain management. Then we examined the current status of the supply chain of the electric appliance industry in Taiwan based on our interview data collected from executive level managers of 16 leading manufacturers, and a questionnaire survey with 800 vendors in this industry. Through this supply-chain analysis we have two suggestions for improvement: (1) Product stock should be centralized and use IT and third-party logistics(3PL) service to enhance the product availability; (2) Information sharing and robust connection between manufactures and their vendors may decrease the uncertainty during the production cycle. Initial results showed that most manufactures consider to make B2B applications with their vendors and to construct an intranet as their primary objective to become an e-Business. The general problems faced by most vendors and manufacturers are the lack of in-house expertise and IT infrastructures. Finally, we propose an e-Supply Chain system and discuss its related topics.