Title: 失效模式效應分析於通訊產業應用之個案研究-以某無線通訊廠為例
An Application of FMEA in Wireless Industry-A Case Study of Wireless Communication Company
Authors: 范光啟
Fan, Kuang-Chi
Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: TS/ISO 16949;失效模式與效應分析;無線通訊產業;實施程序;TS/ISO 16949;FMEA;Wireless Industry;Implementation
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 隨著汽車周邊產品廣泛的開發與應用,TS/ISO 16949已不只是汽車業專屬的品質系統,只要是屬於汽車供應鏈的一份子,就必須要符合TS/ISO 16949要求。TS/ISO 16949與其它品質管理系統要求,最大的差異在於TS/ISO 16949對其所強調的五大核心工具的推行要求。五大核心工具之中以失效模式與效應分析技術對於中、小型無線通訊產業來說是較陌生的。因此中、小型無線通訊產業若要跨足汽車產業供應鏈,應結合公司內部既有的作業流程與失效模式效應分析技術要求,在產品設計或製程規劃階段就透過一套有系統的規劃及管制方法,降低品質不良事件的發生或減少其影響的嚴重程度。本論文提出一套適用於中、小型無線通訊產業導入失效模式與效應分析技術的實施程序,並探討如何將TS/ISO 16949中失效模式與效應分析技術導入到中、小型無線通訊產業中。個案研究部份以某中、小型無線通訊公司為案例,實際套用本研究所提出之實施程序,並透過關鍵指標的比較來驗證本論文建議之失效模式與效應分析實施程序的有效性。本研究之結果也可以作為中、小型無線通訊產業或其它相關規模的公司或產業導入失效模式效應分析技術的參考。
TS/ISO 16949 is quality system requirement for automotive industry. It is required for any products that can be used on automobiles. TS/ISO16949 is featured with five management tools, among which Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is the least familiar practice for small- and medium-sized companies in wireless industry. In order to be part of the automotive supply chain, successfully implementing FMEA is very critical.
This study designed a procedure to integrate FMEA with the existing processes in wireless industry and used a case study, drawn from a small- and medium-sized wireless company, to demonstrate the procedure suggested. Managerial insights resulted from practical experience were provided for other similar companies who would like to successfully implement FMEA procedure in practice.
Keywords:TS/ISO 16949, FMEA, wireless industry, implementation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis