標題: 工業火災事故調查技術建立與案例分析
The development of Industrial Fire Investigation Technology and Cases Study
作者: 詹如惠
Chan , Jui-Hui
Chen ,Chiun Hsun
Shu , Yi-Liang
關鍵字: 火災調查;Fire Investigation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 由國內工業事故統計資料發現,火災事故為主要的工業事故,約佔工業事故七成的比例,為防止火災事故重複發生,找出事故原因,是事故防制的第一要務。然而,工業火災多數涉及化學品、電氣、化學反應、廠房結構等多項因素,再加上燃燒發生的燒毀作用及消防隊滅火時所造成災害現場之破壞,常使災因調查面臨困難。為進行火災災因調查,內政部消防署於98年11月17日頒佈「火災原因調查標準作業程序」,概略敘述火災調查之作業流程,並未對調查技術加以說明,而國內火災調查技術大多靠資深調查人員經驗傳承,技術文件欠缺,可供火災調查人員做為災因調查之程序及技術有待建立。本研究彙整各方文件,如美國防火協會921及柯克火災調查等,建立一套火災事故原因調查程序與技術,可作為火災調查人員、事業單位或第三鑑定機構用於火災事故調查的參考。 本研究並針對桃園縣境內工業火災進行統計分析,以災害事故較高之印刷電路板業進行火災案例探討,除驗證本研究所建立之調查程序技術之可行性外,亦針對災因進行分析,避免災害一再的發生。
According to the industrial accident database, fire is the major accident in all kinds of industry accidents. Finding the cause of fire is the first step for fire prevention. Industrial fire is involved in chemicals, electricity, chemical reaction and factory building structures etc. Besides, combustion phenomena is always complex, it is really hard to proceed a proper fire investigation. Therefore, National Fire Agency proclaimed “Fire Cause Investigate Operation Procedure” On November 17th, 2009. There is just generally statement about the operation procedure in this fire investigation procedure, but does not make a description of the fire investigation technology. In our country, there is no technical guide for fire investigators, who used the experiences in fire instigation. The objective of the study is to establish a fire investigation procedure and technology through the collection of documents. In this study, we use the developed procedure and technology to perform cases study of printed circuit board industry. The fire cause investigation procedure and technology built by the study worked well in these cases study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis