Title: 建築工程預算書製作與審查作業之案例探討
Case Studies on Construction Budget Preparation and Review
Authors: 潘永慶
Pan, Yung-Ching
Wang, Wei-Chih
Keywords: 建築工程;工程預算書;常見缺失;building project;construction budget;common errors
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 建築師製作之工程預算書,係業主規劃施工預算之基礎,惟實務常見作業漏項或單價錯誤等缺失,造成預算編列不足,影響工程之發包與執行。本研究透過案例研究方式,以一間中型建築師事務所曾執行之三件建築工程個案為分析對象,說明實務上建築師如何根據細部設計圖說,發展工程預算書之作業程序,再配合案例分析,探討工程預算書常見錯誤項目及缺失類型,並分析錯誤發生原因,最後透過專家訪談,提出規劃及設計作業中,各項缺失問題之建議處理方式,期提升建築師製作工程預算書之品質及效率,並作為業主審查工程預算書時之參考,以減少工程爭議之產生。研究結果顯示,工程之預算書之常見錯誤包括原設計圖錯誤、書寫錯誤及材料規格錯誤等類型,其中又以原設計圖錯誤最為常見,值得建築師事務所注意。
The cost estimations conducted by architect/engineer (A/E) is the foundation to
establish the construction budget for a building project. However, estimation errors
(such as missing cost items or unrealistic unit prices) are commonly found in practice,
and therefore resulting into a budget deficiency and affecting the execution of the
construction. The research uses three construction projects as case projects to
comprehensively illustrate the operational procedures for a middle-size A/E in
establishing construction budget. Based on the case studies, this work discusses the
common errors and defects discovered in the estimation process of construction budget.
Meanwhile, this study analyzes the causes of errors and proposes solutions for
improving the estimation process. According to the findings of this study, the causes of
estimation errors commonly seen in preparing construction budget are such as the
design errors and errors of specifications. Among these causes, the mistake of the
original design is the most common one and worthy for special attention.
Appears in Collections:Thesis