Title: 從專案管理知識架構(PMBOK)探討統包商因應公共工程統包履約衝突之策略─以「臺北縣中港大排污染改善暨河廊環境營造工程」為例
A Case Study of Contractor’s Strategies for Disputes in Performing Public Design-Build Construction Project from PMBOK Perspective
Authors: 張君榮
Keywords: 專案管理、統包、公共工程、爭議;Project Management , Design-Build Project , Public Construction , Disputes
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 統包工程為近年來政府辦理公共工程大力推廣的採購方式,因為它有縮短工程與減少介面衝突的種種優點,加上以總價承攬的方式可以避免工程主辦機關將來可能超出預算的風險。惟國內引進統包作業模式迄今,無論在採購或履約階段,廠商與主辦機關間卻不斷產生歧見。有鑑於此,本研究以實際案例履約階段所生之爭議作為探討範圍,以尋求解決之道。



Design-build is a procurement method which has been strongly promoted by the government on public construction in recent years. It has various advantages, including shortening time for the project and reducing interface conflicts. In addition, lump sum contracts can avoid possible future over budget of the project for hosting authorities. However, since the design-build mode was introduced into Taiwan, no matter it is in the procurement or performance stage, disagreements between contractors and authorities have often emerged. Therefore, this research used some examples of disputes in the performance stage in an actual case as the scope of our study and sought for solution.
This research reviewed literatures concerning design-build projects, performance disputes and project management, and used an actual case as the research objects. We summed up 24 questions from the performance conflicts, and analyzed the reasons of the conflicts through interviewing the personnel who had actually executed the design-build project. In the process, it could be found that part of the disputes had been solved through consultations and the majority had agreed with the results. But there were still some of problems that people could not reach agreements due to the different views on the contracts.
This research analyzed the reasons of the conflicts, classified the conclusions into the nine knowledge areas from the view of PMBOK, and posed suggestions on the strategy of contractors handling the performance conflicts of public construction design-build projects. On the suggestions of conflict handling, because it is not necessary to implement every step listed in the PMBOK in the project management model, we just need to follow the classification method of the nine knowledge areas, find out appropriate management techniques, and properly use the knowledge of project management to obtain the effect.
Lastly, the contribution of this research is the reasons we found through our interviews of the conflicts in the design-build case, which could be references for those units executing design-build projects in the future. In addition, because the view of PMBOK was adopted as the strategy of handling conflicts, future studies or executors will know how to apply the nine knowledge areas to the management of case project.
Appears in Collections:Thesis