Title: 矽晶型太陽能光電系統發電量預測模式建構
A Predictive Model for Generating Electricity of Crystal Photovoltaic System
Authors: 粘佳傑
Nien, Chia-Chieh
Kuo, Yi-Yu
Keywords: 再生能源;矽晶型太陽能光電發電系統;統計迴歸分析;Renewable Energy;Crystal Photovoltaic System;Regression Analysis
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 日本宮城地震海嘯所引起之核能災變,再度喚起全世界對再生能源的重視,由於再生能源的具有無污染、無公害等特性,加上太陽能屬於取之不盡的能源,且台灣屬副熱帶及熱帶型氣候,平均日照時間長,非常適合發展太陽能光電(Photovoltaics,簡稱PV)產業。
Nuclear crisis caused by massive earthquakes and tsunami in Japan 2011 awakens the world to reconsider the value of the renewable energy sources. Solar energy, a naturally inexhaustible and sustainable energy source, should be promoted, developed, utilized. In Taiwan, the summer period is more than half year, and the level of solar radiation is suitable for the Photovoltaic system generation.

This research focused on the performance of Crystal Photovoltaic System under the real conditions in Taiwan and aimed to construct a power generation prediction model for the Crystal Photovoltaic System by using Regression Analysis. Results from this model showed the solar radiation is the most important influence factor.

Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that “The Renewable Energy Sources Development Law” on July 10 in 2009 and encourage the public and private corporation to set up the solar energy system, and then saving electricity can be sold back. Furthermore, the power generation prediction model for the Crystal Photovoltaic can be used for assisting engineers and users to understand PV systems in practice.
Appears in Collections:Thesis