Title: 太陽光電產業-國家補助政策的現狀與展望
Photovoltaic Industry - Status and Prospects of State Subsidy Policy
Authors: 施順耀
Keywords: 太陽能、太陽光電產業、再生能源、政策工具、補助政策。;Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Industry, Renewable Energies, Policy Instruments, Subsidy Policy.
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 「能源」一直以來都是與人類生活息息相關的物質,遠古時代的祖先就已經知道利用鑽木取火獲得熱能。時至今日;人類仍然不斷透過各種管道以獲得能源的來源。然而二十世紀以來;全球歷經多次能源危機的威脅之下,人們開始感受到有限的能源終究會有耗竭的一天,因此不斷地開發新一代的能源;不論是可以再循環或者是利用永不乾枯的太陽,這些都是我們所謂的「再生能源」,而太陽光電就是利用太陽光的能量轉換為電能的一種能源。 太陽光電產業的發展起源於二十世紀末葉的90年代。雖然截至目前為止也不過僅僅二十多年的光景,產業的興盛與衰微卻已經輪替多次回合。根本的問題在於產業本身的技術門檻過於低廉,使得過多的供給產生投入;大量製造的現象造成供需失衡。另外關於需求面的部分;由於是來自於世界各個國家,他們透過政策的制定以定義各國對於再生能源的投資;然而全球經濟景氣的變化是成為國家對於再生能源的需求指標之一,各國為提升國內的經濟生產力,對於能源的發展與取得;只能選擇暫時的妥協,一旦景氣再度復甦,再生能源才會被再次提及。 本文研究的主要方向是針對國家對於再生能源的相關政策上的制定分析;特別是對於與需求面有直接關聯的補助政策,我們會舉出主要國家的太陽光電相關政策整理;同時也會提出最近十年來的供給與需求的數據比較,透過各國政策整理比較;我們可以瞭解供給與需求的兩面其實是相互相依的存在事實。同時我們也藉由目前各國針對供需失衡的現象所提出之政策加以討論,對於未來太陽光電產業的發展情況;我們會提出適時的建議給予台灣廠商或政府,希望能夠幫助廠商解決目前的困境以及提供政府作為有效的政策應對。
"Energy" has always been a matter of human lives. The ancestors of ancient times had been known for the use of fire by rubbing sticks to get heat. Until now, humans are constantly through various channels to obtain sources of energy. However, there are repeated threats happening in global energy crisis since the twentieth century comes. People began to feel limited energy depletion eventually one day so they continue to develop the next generation of energy. No matter which can be recycled or utilized by the sun. These are so-called "Renewable Energy", and the photovoltaic energy is one kind of the energy conversion from sunlight transferring to electrical power. The development of solar photovoltaic industry originated in the late 20th century in the 1990s. Although the history of the industry is just 20 years more until today, the prosperity of the industry has been up and down of rotation for several times. The fundamental problem is on the technical threshold is too low to enter into the industry. It makes the supply of produce excessive investment and then the phenomenon of supply and demand imbalance is caused by mass production. Regard to the demand side, it is coming from every country around the world. They define the investment for renewable energy through policy formulation. However, the change in the global economic climate is becoming one of the indexes for the demand on renewable energy. These countries choose a temporary compromise for the development of energy to enhance domestic economic productivity. Once the economies revive again, the development of renewable energy will be raised up again. The main direction of this thesis is focusing on the analysis of states renewable energy policy development; in particular, the subsidy policy is directly related to the demand side. We will cite the relevant photovoltaic policies finishing in major countries, and provide the data comparison of supply side and demand side over the past decade. Via the comparison of national policies sorting, we can understand both supply side and demand side actually are the existed truth of mutual dependence. We also discuss the current states policies to against the imbalance phenomenon of supply and demand. For the future development of the photovoltaic industry, we will make timely advice to Taiwanese manufacturers or government. We wish to be able to assist manufacturers solve the current difficulties and to provide the government as an effective policy response.
Appears in Collections:Thesis