標題: 竹北高鐵特區自來水管網供水能力之探討
The Investigation of Water Supply System Capacity
作者: 陳嘉伶
Chen, Chia-Ling
Chang, Liang-Cheng
關鍵字: 竹北高鐵特區;自來水管網;EPANET;需水量;Zhubei City HSR special zone;water distribution network;EPANET;water demand
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 高鐵設站於竹北市高鐵特區,導致周邊土地與人口快速發展,需水量大增,恐造成未來此地區自來水供水不足之隱憂。因此本研究乃應用美國環保署開發之EPANET (2.0版)管網水力分析程式,針對竹北高鐵特區既有的自來水管網是否符合未來自來水之供水需求,進行自來水管網供水能力分析與改善規劃。 規劃區域內的自來水需水量為自來水管網規劃之依據,其值須統計相關資料後,再依據不同需求進行推估。而本研究中目標年需水量之推估,乃以現況年自來水用戶數為基準,參考行政院經濟建設委員會之2010年至2060年臺灣人口推計報告,採指數曲線法推估目標年所新增之人口,進而估算生活用水之需求量,再配合土地使用分區特性加入其他用水之需求量。另外,本研究考慮人類的生活習性,會有不同的用水情況,因此除前述之需水量(平均日)外,另增加最大日、最大時及最小時等不同情況的需水量來分析比較。 經管網模擬分析後,本研究再依台灣自來水公司之工程設施標準,取管網中各節點的壓力與各管線的流速作為檢核對像,若有不符合處,則以增設閥類或汰換管徑規劃改善方案,以使整個管網系統在目標年仍能維持穩定之供水狀態,此規劃成果可提供相關單位未來營運與系統改善更新之參考。
The Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) station in the HSR special zone in Zhubei City has expedited the land development and population increase in the surrounding area, and will increase the water consumption in the near future. Consequently, concerns regarding the future water shortage in this area have emerged. Thus, this study adopted EPANET (version 2.0) software, which was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to investigate whether the existing water distribution network capacity in the Zhubei HSR special zone can fulfill the future water demand. In addition, improvement plans of the network capacity were formulated and analyzed when it is necessary. The water demands in the study area are the basis of the water distribution network planning. Relevant data were collected and statistically analyzed and the results were then used to estimate various water demands. In this study, the number of water users was the baseline for the water demands estimation. An exponential curve method was used to estimate the population in the target year by referencing the report, Population Projections for R.O.C (Taiwan): 2010-2060 published by the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD), Executive Yuan. The population was then used to forecast the increase of target domestic water demand. The final water demands were obtain by adding the estimations with other water requirement based on the land use characteristics. This study also considered the water demands variation caused by residents’ living habits. Therefore, in addition to the previously daily averaged water demands, other water requirements, such as the daily maximum, hourly maximum and hourly minimum, were also considered and investigated. The network simulation studies were examined by the construction and planning standards proposed by the Taiwan Water Corporation, and the network nodes pressure and pipelines flow velocity were the major items to validate. When the nodes pressure or pipes flow velocity were over the standards in the target year, improvement plans by adding valves or increasing pipes capacity were suggested and analyzed to maintain a stable water supply throughout the overall pipe system. The improvement plans suggested in this study can provide a valuable reference for the future water distribution system improvement and management in the Zhubei City HSR special zone.