標題: RFID應用於國際快遞進出口作業之研究
The Study of RFID Deployment in Worldwide Express Operations
作者: 張重興
Chang, Chung-Hsing
Feng, Cheng-Min
關鍵字: 國際快遞;無線射頻辨識;運務作業;快遞流程;Worldwide Express;RFID;Operations Process;Process
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在預期高度成長的國際快遞市場是競爭的,以三大國際快遞業者(DHL、Fedex、UPS)為例,無不絞盡腦汁且無所不用其極地研究、引進與開發新系統和技術來提高作業效率與素質,冀望能夠降低成本,同時提供客戶更快、更好、更優質的服務。 無獨有偶,無線射頻辨識 (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)是一種輕量小型且集數位資訊、無線通訊傳輸與加密技術等優點為一身的資料蒐集技術,這種號稱未來就是要完全取代傳統Barcode掃瞄的技術甫一開發即受到國際快遞業者的高度矚目,尤其國際快遞現行作業使用條碼掃瞄的作業模式,從取件至送件需要至少24次人工掃瞄紀錄始能完成服務,流程複雜且耗費人力與時間,若適切引進RFID技術將有機會降低成本並提昇作業效率。 本研究將以個案國際快遞公司進出口作業作業流程為研究對象。然國際快遞公司進出口作業自預約、調度、取件等至遞送、庫存管理計有十項主要作業流程,考慮RFID使用受限於各國頻寬,本研究之研究範圍將以個案快遞公司在本國國內作業為限。研究結果發現RFID系統導入個案國際國際快遞公司運務作業流程,不僅確實正面帶來整體作業時間改善的效益,同時也帶給各個獨立作業倉庫全面的效益,亦即RFID系統可適用於個案國際快遞公司國內快遞活動與作業,並取代目前以條碼掃瞄的傳統作業方式,同時,設若不考慮導入RFID設備費用,各流程改善的時間,可增加貨物處理數量,提升服務水準,並減少人力成本及人為疏失所造成之損害。 研究中對於個案國際國際快遞公司各作業流程詳盡的解析,以及規劃RFID配裝於國際快遞的運務作業方式,確認RFID系統未來導入個案國際國際快遞公司單一國家的可行性。然RFID系統導入的最大效益來源是「貨物的分揀作業」,至於車輛進出倉庫因設置於倉庫進出車道口的RFID系統感應所帶來的時間改善效益,經本研究揭示未如預期,值得個案國際國際快遞公司未來建置RFID系統時,就成本與效益雙方面更深入評估瞭解。
Global Express Market is extremely competitive. For the purpose of being the leader I in the market. The biggest three World Express players, DHL, FDX, and UPS, have been developeing their system which can be applied to the latest technology. RFID stands for Radio-Frequency IDentification. The acronym refers to small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The RFID device serves the same purpose as a bar code or a magnetic strip on the back of a credit card or ATM card; it provides a unique identifier for that object. And, just as a bar code or magnetic strip must be scanned to get the information, the RFID device must be scanned to retrieve the identifying information. The research is to study the whole operations process of a famous worldwide Express company. Having finished the research, we found that the benefit to shorten operations time can be definitely observed when RFID is well set up in the whole worldwide Express operations process, i.e., RFID can be well applied to worldwide express operations and replace current operations by using barcodes when looking forward in Express industry and operations activities. Meanwhile, though RFID installation cost in not in the discussion of the research, when RFID system is applied, the Express player is able to enjoy the benefits, such as Service Level Enhancement, Manpower Reduction, and Prevention of Mishandling. “Fast Forwarding” is always the major target to worldwide Express Operations. Therefore, only few stock will be kept in every Express warehouse. Though benefit can be found in Stock Management of the other researchs which are related to RFID application, but no significant benefit to worldwide express operations based on the result of the study..
Appears in Collections:Thesis