Title: 面板產業維修服務之關鍵績效指標建立-以逆向物流觀點
Reverse Logistics Key Performance Indicators for Repair Service of TFT LCD Industry
Authors: 高文君
Kao, Wen-Chun
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
Keywords: 維修服務;逆向物流;關鍵績效指標;Repair Service;Reverse Logistics;Key Performance Indicators
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 企業的長期目標是追求永續發展,在面對快速變遷的競爭環境中,其成功的要件即是不斷的變革;逆向物流具策略性價值,良好的逆向物流計劃有助於增進企業的競爭優勢及增進供應鏈中隱藏的無形價值。因此,為了順應潮流並提升競爭優勢,將逆向物流導入產生競爭優勢之策略中已成為重要之議題。 以TFT LCD產業而言,該產品逐漸進入產品生命週期的成熟期,為強化消費者對品牌的認同及維持良好的客戶滿意度,企業認為維持產品市場佔有率極為重要。因此企業若能透過有效率的逆向物流,提供良好的售後維修服務,將有效提升競爭優勢進而影響企業獲利。 本研究旨在透過文獻探討並歸納影響維修服務之逆向物流的績效有哪些?並藉由專家問卷求得權重以瞭解維修服務關鍵績效指標為何?本研究結果發現,成本及客戶滿意是影響維修服務績效的主要因素;其中尤以存貨成本、客服人員的態度及公司內部資訊系統連結性為其關鍵因素;因此建議相關產業之廠商可依此建構、衡量及評估企業本身對於售後服務退貨維修之績效,並協助企業迅速評估本身之營運績效。
For sustainable operations and management, innovation is entrepreneurial quality that is essential for companies to succeed in today’s fiercely competitive environment. Reverse logistics with strategic value for enterprise due to a good reverse logistics process can enhance companies competitive and increase invisible value of supply chain. Therefore, implement reverse logistics as company competitive has become a main topic. The product life cycle of the TFT-LCD panel is gradually getting into the mature stage, and meanwhile, the strategic value of reverse logistics containing to strengthen brand identifications and customer satisfaction for keeping market share. Thus, it will increase profit if company can implement effective reverse logistic processes, like provide good repair service after sales. This study focus to collect which factors affect repair performance of reverse logistics after sales service, compare the weights of reverse logistics key performance indicator of repair service via export questionnaires. The purpose is to set up evaluation system when enterprises review the repair performance of reverse logistics.
Appears in Collections:Thesis