標題: 公平知覺及客戶權益認知對客戶滿意之影響-以女性網路購物為例
Effects of Perceived Justice and Customer Equity on Customer Satisfaction:A Case of Female Internet Shopping
作者: 馬瑞雯
Ma, Jui-Wen
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 網路購物;分配公平;程序公平;互動公平;價值權益;品牌權益;關係權益;客戶滿意;Internet Shopping;Distributive Justice;Procedural justice;Interactional Justice;Value Equity;Brand Equity;Relationship Equity;Customer Satisfaction
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究在探討網路購物中的分配、程序與互動公平對消費者的價值、品牌與關係權益認知的影響及這三種權益認知對消費者的客戶滿意度的影響。 本研究以網路購物業者為對象,針對有網購經驗的女性消費以網路問卷調查的方式收集資料,共有314份之有效問卷做迴歸分析以檢定假說。 研究結果發現,除程序公平對價值權益呈現為負向顯著影響關係之外,分配及互動公平知覺對價值、品牌、關係權益有顯著正向影響。而價值、品牌及關係權益對客戶滿意有正向影響。
This study aimed to explore the effects of distributional, procedural, and interactional justices on internet shoppers’value, brand, and relationship equities, and also, the effects of the three equities on customer satisfaction. Survey data were collected from a sample of female customers who had had internet shopping experiences. A total of 314 valid questionnaires were used in regression analysis for hypothesis testing. The results showed that the procedural justice had a negative effect on value equity. The distributive and procedural justices had a positive effect on brand and relationship equities. Though the value equity had no effect on customer satisfaction, the brand and relationship equities had a positive effect on customer satisfaction.


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