Title: 應用歷程分析於生物科學探究評量之研究
A Study of Portfolio assessment in Scientific Inquiry Learning
Authors: 宋雅鈴
Keywords: 科學探究能力;實作評量;歷程評量;遊戲評量;Scratch;Abilities for scientific inquiry;Performance Assessment;Portfolio assessment;Game-based assessment;Scratch
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 九年一貫「自然與生活科技學習領域」課程中,科學探究評量通常為一段時間的科學觀察與製作實驗日誌,活動重點在於評量學生實做歷程中是否具備科學探究能力。但生物科學探究活動往往需要花很長地時間進行,因此對於學生科學探究過程中之表現不易進行追蹤評量。為解決此問題,本研究以國中生物科植物種植為例,希望透過遊戲虛擬平台,結合能力指標與操作歷程,建構出一個國中生物學科科學探究歷程評量平台。本研究為了將各種評量指標設計至遊戲式評量活動中,首先透過概念圖將能力指標中的科學探究能力概分為「觀察」、「假設」、「實驗」、「資料搜尋」等四個面向。設計出生物科遊戲式科學探究評量模型,先預設學生操作順序與程度操作歷程之各個面向,再將呈現的各種科學探究行為模式分類。本生物學科科學探究歷程評量平台以美國麻省理工學院(MIT)開發之Scratch程式作為開發工具,由新竹市某國中一年級27位學生以此平台進行科學探究遊戲式歷程活動實做,並觀察學生在行為模式分類的表現。研究結果發現,學生科學探究行為符合11種不同的預設科學探究行為模式,其中更有2種行為模式表現較為明顯,此2種行為模式分別為「先觀察再假設再進行實驗」、與「先實驗再觀察」。最後,透過問卷分析,發現本研究之系統能夠透過模擬植物生長環境,更容易讓學生理解植物科學探究之過程。
In the “Science and Technology learning territory” on Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the assessment of scientific inquiry usually requires a period of time for scientific observation and keeping laboratory records. This activity focal point is to evaluate whether it has scientific inquiry ability in the implementation portfolio. However, it is not easy to trace and evaluate students’ scientific inquiry behavior during the inquiry process due to the fact that the Biology inquiry activities often take long time to observe. To solve this problem, this thesis proposed a virtual game-based platform using plant-growing as an example to construct a junior high school’s Biology portfolio assessment combining with capability indices. For applying various assessment indices to game-based assessment activities, the capability of scientific inquiry are clarified by concept map into four dimensions including “observation”, “assumption”, “test” and “data research”. It can clarify the different scientific research behaviors by designing a game-based scientific research evaluation model using student’s operation order and the level degree of education as default operation portfolio. To evaluate the effectiveness of our system, 27 seventh grade students participated the game-based scientific inquiry portfolio activities. According to experimental results, there were 11 kinds of scientific behavior models fitting in predefined classification and two of behaviors “observing before assuming and testing” and “testing before observing” are obviously performed. From the questionnaire feedback of students, the system can support the students easily understand the process of scientific inquiry .
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