Title: B2B電子市集可持續競爭優勢之因素與內涵研究–案例探討
Case studies to sustainable competitive advantages of the B2B e-Marketplace
Authors: 高紀靜
Kao, Chi-Ching
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: B2B電子市集;資源基礎觀點;五力分析;知識服務;產業研究;DRAM;e-Marketplace;B2B e-Marketplace;Resource-Based View;Five Forces Analysis;knowledge-based service;market intelligence;DRAM
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 台灣是個知識工作者高度密集且資訊發展快速的國家,不僅如此,台灣更為全世界同時擁有半導體代工、IC設計、主機板、桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、液晶顯示器等完整的垂直分工的國家,在整體環境上十分具有競爭力,我們有許多優勢適合發展B2B電子市集。 本研究主要是針對一家B2B電子市集個案作質化性的分析,希望能夠藉由此個案的內涵研究看出B2B電子市集對動態環境的因應;以及DRAM這個產業如何利用台灣的地理位置優勢來發展B2B電子市集;更重要的是希望能藉由對於一家公司的資源與能力的了解,進而挖掘出其可持續之競爭優勢,而作為其他欲發展B2B電子市集之台灣企業主的參考。 首先針對個案企業高階經理人做一對一深度訪談外,並整理蒐集相關的其他初級資料,以及國內外學術文獻、期刊、新聞資訊、歷史回顧資料等等。經由對於個案發展的內在與外在因素充分了解後,將其劃分為三個顯而可見的階段,佐以Porter的五力分析,針對當時的競爭環境勾勒出較完整的構面。再來利用資源基礎觀點中各學者的研究觀點,辨識出公司的資源與能力,再進一步與競爭者做比較找出競爭優勢,再利用資源的特性對競爭優勢作進一步探討,挖掘出此個案之可持續競爭優勢之因素。 針對案例公司的研究結果顯示,想要尋求經營上的突破,必須要善用地理位置與科技的優勢,若選對行業可說已成功了一半,DRAM是個適合台灣發展B2B電子市集的行業;但B2B電子市集為了提升服務品質並達到差異化,對於動態環境的適應能力相對重要,並會朝向不同的方向作演化,提供產業研究知識服務是其中一種演變;案例公司之競爭優勢有以下五項:品牌商譽、資訊掌握速度、專業能力、行銷能力、創新能力,然可持續之競爭優勢為以下三項:品牌商譽、專業能力、創新能力。
Taiwan is a country with densely populated intellectuals and rapid advancement of information technology. Moreover, it has successfully achieved comprehensive vertical integration of semiconductor OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing), IC design, motherboard, desktop computer, notebook computer, and LCD, making Taiwan a highly-competitive player in the macro-environment. These advantages are ideal for the development of B2B e-marketplace. This paper presents a qualitative analysis of a successful B2B e-marketplace firm. Through examining the subject firm of this study, we hope to investigate the response of B2B e-marketplace in the dynamic environment, as well as how the DRAM industry capitalizes on this geographic advantage to develop its B2B e-marketplace. More importantly, through the understanding of a firm’s resources and core competencies, we aim to identify its sustainable competitive advantages and provide an insightful reference to other Taiwanese entrepreneurs planning on implementing a B2B e-marketplace. In addition to a one-on-on interview with the manager of the subject firm, an extensive collection of relevant information such as national and international academic literature, periodicals, news articles, and historical reviews were thoroughly organized. Upon thorough understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing the development of the firm, three distinct stages are defined. Applying Porter’s five forces analysis, we outline a more comprehensive framework of the competition environment. Further, based on various scholars’ perspective of Resource-Based View, we can assess the firm’s resources and competencies, compare them with that of the competition to identify its competitive advantage, and determine the factors contributing to its sustainable competitive advantage. According to the results of this case study, in order to achieve a breakthrough in the operation, a firm has to capitalize on its geographic and technological advantages. Venturing into the right industry could bring you halfway to success. DRAM is an ideal industry for development of B2B e-marketplace in Taiwan; however, the adaptation of the dynamic environment is crucial for improving service standard, and achieving differentiation. B2B e-marketplace will continue to evolve in various aspects and providing market intelligence service is a part of the evolution. The five competitive advantages of subject firm are: brand equity (goodwill), IT efficiency, industry expertise, marketing and innovation, and the sustainable one are: brand equity (goodwill), industry expertise, and innovation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis