標題: 運用財務指標分析全球網際網路服務產業的關鍵競爭優勢
Analysis the Key Competitive Advantage of Global Internet Service Industry with Financial Indicators
作者: 葉俊呈
Yeh, Jiunn-Cherng
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 網際網路;杜邦恆等式;競爭優勢;資源構型;策略群組;管理能力;du Pont identity;internet industry;management capability;resource configuration;strategic groups;dotcom
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 從2000年網路公司泡沫化後,到2005年後相關Web2.0網站的崛起,網際網路產業似乎又重啟了一股新的獲利契機,然而市場上也不免有再次泡沫化的質疑,本研究認為好的經營策略透過專業經理人的適切執行,將會具體的從財務報表上展現出來。本研究試圖針對全球網際網路產業,透過杜邦恆等式分解出的財務指標,以統計的方法,找出企業的資源運用構型,進而透過策略群組的分類,歸結出優勢群組的企業資源運用方式,進而反推出隱藏在財務報表後面的關鍵競爭優勢。
From Dotcom companies’ bubble flops in 2000 to the Web2.0 websites raises in recent years , it seems that the good time of Dotcom companies is coming by. However , the challenges of web2.0 business model never stop. This thesis tries to cover the global internet industries to figure out the key competitive advantage of well-performance companies. It is believed that good business strategy will reflect on the financial balance sheet ,and this thesis tried to use “du Pont identity” to get financial indicators and use static’s method to find out the resource configurations and management abilities of Dotcom companies. Then, analysis the strategic groups to find out the key competitive strategy behind the financial balance sheets.