Title: 資訊涉入對共同基金投資人購買意願之影響-以P公司為例
A Study on The Influences of Information Involved in Mutual Fund to Investor's Purchase Willingness – Case Example of P Company
Authors: 于清華
Yu, Ching-Hua
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 共同基金;購買行為模式;資訊涉入;共同基金投資人;Mutual Fund;Consumer behavior Model;Information Involvement;Mutual Fund Investor
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 研究目的:依據中華民國證券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會之統計,台灣目前共同基金市場截至2009年4月止,共計有500檔為國內募集的共同基金。在共同基金市場競爭激烈下,各家證券投資信託業者要如何讓投資人選擇投資該公司所募集的共同基金,實為一大課題。本研究以資訊涉入共同基金銷售策略對投資人購買意願之影響進行研究,以瞭解投資人於進行投資決策時是否會受資訊來源而影響其最終之購買決策。並藉由購買行為模式,瞭解投資人於購買決策過程中,所注重的共同基金特性、投信公司服務或共同基金資訊揭露等相關內容,藉以瞭解投資人之需求,以利於提供證券投資信託業者於共同基金行銷策略之擬訂或滿足投資人所需求服務內容或方式之參考。 研究方法:本研究以問卷調查方式對個案公司之客戶進行調查。藉由文獻探討,彙整相關的研究變數,分為人口統計變數、購買決策變數及資訊涉入變數三大部分。再依據研究目的,擬訂本研究假設並進行問卷內容之設計,以問卷調查法作為本研究資料收集之方式。本研究以購買行為模式作為本研究架構,另由人口統計變數對購買決策變數及資訊涉入變數進行分析。在資料分析上採用次數分配、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、獨立T檢定、交叉聯表及卡方分配、等統計方法,對所蒐集之樣本資料進行相關分析。 根據研究結論,共同基金投資人進行投資時,重視資訊涉入因素。且共同基金投資人對於購買決策變數之問題認知、資訊尋求、評估準則及購買行為,在人口統計變數之分析上有顯著差異。本研究最後以滿足投資人之需求為首要、建立良好客戶關係、專業知識為導向、主動出擊,締造公司優勢四方面給予相關證券投資信託業者擬定銷售策略及方向之建議。
Research Purpose:According to the statistical data to April 2009 by SITCA, there are 500 numbers mutual funds in Taiwan. To be the priority of investor’s choice is the most important issue of the securities investment trust enterprise. How to attract mutual fund investor to choice the product of your company is the major issue of securities investment trust industry. The study use source of information to discuss the influences of information involved in mutual fund to investor's purchase willingness. We understand mutual fund investors in purchase decision-making process focus on the characteristics of mutual funds, the service of securities investment trust enterprise and the information exposed. “To know the need of the investors, to satisfy the demand of service” that will be helpful for securities investment trust industry to develop the marketing strategy. Research method:The study uses a questionnaire survey to investigate the consumer of the case example of P Company. By literature review, we collect the related research variables about demographic variables, purchasing decision-making variables and information involvement variables. According to the research purpose, we develop the assumption of this study and design the content of questionnaires. The study uses a questionnaire survey to be the method of data collection. The study uses consumer behavior model as framework and through the demographic variables on the purchase of decision-making variables and information involvement variables for analysis. In data analysis, we use the number of distribution, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA and independent T-test, cross table and chi-square distribution, and other statistical methods to collect samples. Based on the conclusions, information involvement is the important factor in mutual fund investors’ decision process. There are significant differences analysis between demographic variables and purchasing decision-making variables which are including problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision. The research has four suggestions for securities investment trust industry to develop marketing strategies and direction. The four suggestions are to meet the investor’s need, to establish good customer relationships, expertise-oriented and to take the initiative to create the advantage of the company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis