標題: 大台北地區投資者對投信發行組合基金接受意願之研究
A Study on Taipei investors’Willingness to Accept Fund of funds
作者: 吳憶茹
Yi-Ju Wu
Kuang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 共同基金;組合基金;創新接受;mutual fund;fund of funds;innovation adoption
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 目前國內有四十四家投資信託公司,約募集四百支基金。因此選基金的難度比起選股票來說,都讓投資者不知如何選擇。證期會於民國九十一年七月份核准募集「組合基金」後,國內業者也陸續於民國九十二年初送件申請募集。因此未來投資人在理財上,又多了一項選擇。尤其在「交易所買賣基金」(ETFs)加入戰局以及未來「保本型基金」放行下,國內基金市場將進入一個新的戰國時代。 有鑑於此,本研究嘗試由曾經購買共同基金經驗之投資者及未來有意願購買共同基金經驗之投資者的投資需求,透過創新採用理論,作為未來新發行基金接受程度之推論。並以人口統計變數將投資者加以區隔,來決定目標顧客群,以提供業者制定行銷策略。 本研究以大台北地區投資者為例進行研究,發現不同人口統計變數的投資者在採用決策行為變數上之產品知覺、訊息來源、產品印象、興趣、購買動機、投資方式、申購方式、投資金額、虧損多少時考慮贖回、多久檢視一次績效以及在共同基金之屬性、基金經理人屬性與投信公司屬性的重視程度皆有顯著差異。
In the mutual funds marketplace, there are forty-four investment trust enterprises. It’s expectable the g mutual funds market competition will be very intense in the future. The purpose of this paper, while using Roger's Innovation Adoption Theory as its frame, is to identify the acceptance of Fund of Funds based on investors' preference and their demand for broadband. In addition, we try to find out whether t Fund of Funds investors can be segregated by their gender、marriage/single、age、educational background、occupation and monthly income so as to identify target consumer groups and to provide our research results to the industry to formulate their marketing strategies. The samples we used for this study are the investors of mutual fund. From the samples we discovered the investors’ adoption behavior variables shows difference do exist in terms of awareness、the source of information、interested、why to invest、the way to invest、investment amount、redeem the fund、function of the mutual fund、function of the fund manager and function of the investment trust enterprises. In order to target these potential customers, different marketing strategies are required.