Title: 人民幣匯率調整決策模式之研析
The Analysis of Decision-Making Adjustment Model for Renminbi (RMB) Exchange Rate
Authors: 陳立心
Chen, Li-Hsin
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: Swan模型;內外部經濟失衡;人民幣匯率;Swan Model;Economic imbalance;RMB exchange rate
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 人民幣幣值的問題,近年來成為一項廣受討論的國際議題。且隨著中國在經濟表現與戰略地位的提升,使得人民幣匯率之變動摻雜許多政治與經濟因素的考量。中國大陸匯率決策當局必須考量中國大陸本身的經濟利益,但同時長期的貿易順差導致人民幣承受國際間要求升值的壓力。面對諸多的變因,人民幣決策當局的匯率決策依據為何?本文以Swan模型為基礎推導人民幣匯率的經濟決策邏輯,依照中國大陸當前面對的內、外部經濟失衡狀況,觀察中國大陸當局如何運用支出增減政策(財政政策)及支出轉換政策(匯率政策)以調節經濟失衡的情況,配合當前的國際政治情勢推導出人民幣匯率調整模式。 本研究主要發現如下: (1) 本研究引用Swan (1960) 模型的理論,可印證中國大陸當局為改變其國內所面臨的經濟失衡狀況,所使用的政策均符合Swan模型所主張的政策搭配措施。 (2) 目前面臨全球性的景氣蕭條的環境中,中國大陸當局以擴張性的財政政策及寬鬆的貨幣政策應對,匯率政策則必須選擇以人民幣升值方式才能收到刺激景氣的效果。 (3) 人民幣升值為中國大陸擴大內需以刺激景氣的必要條件之ㄧ,但考量其內部利益,人民幣兌美金自2008年金融海嘯發生以來即維持窄幅波動,但人民幣兌其他主要貿易國貨幣多為升值狀況。 (4) 在中國大陸失業率未見明顯降低之前,且以美國為主的貿易對手礙於國際現狀不便直接與中國大陸就人民幣匯率問題直接衝突的情況下,人民幣匯率政策短期內會維持相對固定之現狀,不會有明顯改變。
As the economic and strategic importance of China grows fast, the RMB exchange rate has attracted international attention. The People’s Bank of China must take into account China's employment as well as trade interest while managing the RMB exchange rate. This article applies the Swan (1960) model to analyze the RMB exchange rate adjustment decision-making. The Chinese government uses both of the fiscal and exchange rate policies to improve its macroeconomic performance. The major findings are as follows: (1) The Swan model can predict the RMB adjustment decisions very well. (2) For the current global financial turmoil, the Chinese government is very likely to use expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, as well as mildly let RMB appreciate against major currencies other than USD. (3) Before mainland China unemployment rate significantly drops, the RMB exchange rate against USD will still maintain stable.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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