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dc.contributor.authorPeng, Mei-Chiaen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.description.abstract近年全球科技環境競爭激烈,政府為提升國家競爭力,仍不斷的編列科技研發預算,希望協助廠商進行高風險及前瞻性技術的研發,以創造國家總體經濟成長之效益。經濟部技術處藉由推動科專計畫支援國內產業技術開發、協助傳統產業升級、推動我國科技工業發展和建構產業發展所需之基礎。而經濟部為了讓科專計畫能更貼近市場需求,開始推動「業界開發產業技術計畫」(簡稱業界科專)。 本研究利用 DEA 多投入及多產出評估概念,建構業界開發產業技術計畫兩階段生產模型─「研發效率」與「創造經濟效益」,藉此對經濟部技術處「業界開發產業技術計畫」進行效率評估,目的使管理當局瞭解「業界開發產業技術計畫」研發投入與產出之研發效率,以及結案後之創造經濟效益情形,以作為管理者決策所需資訊之用。 本研究並進一步探討業界科專中「研發效率」與「創造經濟效益」情形,建構管理決策矩陣,並依計畫領域別、企業規模和結案迄今期間長短等各分別建構管理決策矩陣,藉以探討各業界科專所在象限與延伸之管理意涵。 透過本研究,以資料包絡分析法評估『業界開發產業技術計畫』,可以整合業界科專多投入多產出的所有資料,並可從各種分析方法進行分析,以提供政府主管機關作為業界科專計畫研發效率成效之判定及控制的參考,提供未來政策改進的方向。 行效率評估,目的使管理當局瞭解「業界開發產業技術計畫」研發投入與產出之研發效率,以及結案後之創造經濟效益情形,以作為管理者決策所需資訊之用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the global science and technology environment has been intensely competitive, to boost the national competitive edge, the government determine to make a continuous budget for the research and development of science and technology, hope to help manufacturers work on the research and development with the high-risk and forward skill ,so it can create the country's overall benefits of economic growth. Through promoting Technology Development Projects, The Department of Industrial Technology supports the technology development of domestic industries, assists in the upgrading of traditional industries, improves the development of science and technology, and provides a necessary basis for the development of industry structure. To meet the needs of all markets, The Ministry of Economic Affairs also started to promote an Industrial Technology Development Program( short for ITDP ). In this study, we apply the multiple input and output measure concept of DEA and the ITDP which has 2 phases- the efficiency of R & D and the creation of economic benefits to rate the ITDP by The Department of Industrial Technology, in this way, the administration can have an idea of the efficiency of R & D from the input and output ITDP and the efficiency of creating economic benefits after closing cases ,so it can also be used as a reference when the managers make policies. In this study , we further probe the situations of the R & D efficiency and the creation of economic benefits of ITDP to build the management strategic matrix as well, also base on the various fields, the size of enterprise, and the different timing after closing the casese to build it separately , so we can discover all the conditions of each ITDP and the extensive meaning of this management. Through this study, we rate ITDP with a Data Envelopment Analysis; it can help integrate all the information from the multiple input and output ITDP, we also analyze it in a different way, therefore, it becomes helpful for the administration to make a right judgment about the efficiency of ITDP, and it can also be considered as a reference for making the future policies. To rate the efficiency is to make the administration understand the R & D efficiency from the input and output of ITDP and the result of the creating economic benefits after closing the cases ,so it can be treated as a guide by all the decision-makers of the management.en_US
dc.subjectData Envelopment Analysisen_US
dc.subjectR & D efficiencyen_US
dc.subjectIndustrial Technology Development Programen_US
dc.titleTo Apply DEA to the Efficiency Evaluation of R&D Projects a Case Study on Industrial Technology Development Programen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis