標題: 多向式正弦光柵光控制薄膜
Multi-Directional Sinusoidal Grating As Light Control Film
作者: 陳信安
關鍵字: 光柵;光控制薄膜;Grating;Light Control Film
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本論文探討應用多向式正弦光柵於增強反射式液晶顯示器之亮度,正弦光柵的形成,是因為使用光阻紀錄雷射相互干涉時所產生的駐波條紋,干涉光譜的強度呈現正弦變化。若改變雷射光源干涉時所夾的角度,干涉條紋的間隔會跟著改變,由此可以得到不同的光柵頻率,另外透過旋轉承載基板ψ角,可以變化光柵的排列方向,透過妥善運用此二項變化參數,可以控制反射光到想要的方向。
This thesis is a study of multi-directional sinusoidal grating for the reflective liquid crystal display (R-LCD) brightness enhancement. The sinusoidal grating is fabricated by recording laser interference pattern on photoresist resin. The interference pattern is a sinusoidal type function. If we change the subtended angle of interfered laser intensity, the grating pitch are also changed. If we rotate the angle of substrate then we can change the orientation of grating. By properly mixing the grating pitch and orientation, we can control the reflected ambient light to desired direction
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