DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Hua-fangen_US
dc.contributor.authorLu, Hsin-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract爾近以來,人民社區意識開展與女性自覺意識抬頭,使得女性逐漸在公領域嶄露頭角。過去社會上對客家女性一直停留在克勤克儉、吃苦耐勞的刻板印象,如今客家女性那種溫順默默的形象似乎改變了,她們跨出私領域空間,走入公領域,已是普遍存在的事實。 本研究欲從增權展能的觀點,來探究橫山地區客家女性參與社區之歷程。研究的主要目的,除了在學術上彌補客家女性參與社區公共事務的經驗忽略之外,也能讓她們真實的聲音反映客家女性參與社區遭遇到的困境,更期望透過她們女性意識覺醒與增權展能過程,提供其他女性參與社區事務時具體的行動意見。 筆者藉由質性的書寫方式,記錄橫山地區客家女性社區參與歷程,田野地點以九讚頭、沙坑、大肚和內灣等社區為主。在97年4月至98年5月之間,以參與觀察方式參加九讚頭社區烘焙班活動,並針對參與社區的客家女性進行深度訪談,取得研究資料。 本研究從客家女性參與社區的遠由與近因、參與社區所扮演的角色、參與社區遭遇的困境,以及女性意識與增權展能的展現來分析研究結果。研究結果顯示,客家女性透過參與社區公共事務而增權展能,女人可以藉由建構知識的過程,發現自己是有能力的。 客家女性在公領域多元的參與方式,呈現出客家女性多樣且豐富的面貌,她們不再只是家庭照顧者,參與社區後,女性可以結合地方文化產業自行創業,「微型創業女性」不但增加經濟收入且提升自信心與家庭地位;亦或是擔任「社區領導者」,成為有權有能的女性;「男性領導者的『輔娘』(客語中先生對妻子的稱謂)」則是扮演協助先生處理公共事務的得力助手;社區裡普遍的社區參與類型─「志工媽媽」,也因參與社區課程而習得技能、提升各項能力並拓展人際關係。 本文最後提出可能的研究限制,以及對於後續研究的建議。 關鍵字: 橫山、客家女性、社區參與、質性研究、增權展能zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently , owing to the develoment of residents’ community consciousness and the rise of females’ self-consciousness, women stand out conspicuously in the public field. In the past , people were under the inflexible impression that Hakka Females were industrious , frugal , bore hardships and worked hard. Nowadays , it seems that obedient image changes , happened with leaps and bounds and are no longer in the realm of privacy, but have become public knowledge. This study makes a thorough inquiry into the process of community participation of Hakka women in Heng-shan( in Hsin-chu County)from the frame of reference of support and empowerment. The purpose of the study is not only to make up for the negligence of Hakka Females’ experience joining in public affairs in the academic field , but also to reflect the difficult position of Hakka Females’ experience joining in public affairs . We hereby respect that by means of the process of empowerment of females’ women are able to make comcrete and practical suggestions when participating in public affairs. The author records the process of community participation of Hakka women in Heng-shan using qualitative research. The observations locations are communities in JIOU- Zan-Tou ,SHA-Keng, DA-Du, and NEI-Wan between April,2008 and May,2009, The author acquired research data by observing and joining the JIOU- Zan-Tou Community Baking Program . In-depth Intervieing were used to interview these Hakka women volunteers. This research assay will analyze the remote and the immediate causes of Hakka women’s participation , role-playng , difficult position as well as the empowerment of females’ self-consciousness. The paper will describe how that women are aware of their ability to join public affairs and construct knowledge in their community. Hakka women’s participation highlights their multiple and rich performances . Not only do they participate in community affairs, and taking care of families, but they are also micro-pioneering workers , who try to increase the family’s income and enhance their position .These women, whom we called community leaders (for the sake of this study) are not only “male leader’s assistants”(Hakka language called these women FU, Niang ), but also key people who is able to lead public affairs. At the conclusion of the paper , the paper proposes a limited number of suggestions on how to engage in follow-up research. Key words: Heng-shan、Hakka women、Participate in Community Public Affair、 qualitative research、Empowermenten_US
dc.subjectHakka womenen_US
dc.subjectParticipate in Community Public Affairen_US
dc.subjectqualitative researchen_US
dc.titleThe Process of Community Participation of Hakka Women in Heng-shan, Hsin-chu Countyen_US


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