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dc.contributor.authorLin, Jui-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorShu, Wei-Deren_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究旨在探討語言使用與族群認同兩者之間的相關性。研究對象是十位來自中壢市新新國民小學的家長。雖然其中有幾位在「本土語言」課程中,為孩子選讀客語,但仍有幾位未選讀。因此,筆者將十位研究對象分為三組:(一)、父母皆為客家族群;(二)、僅一方為客家人;(三)、有客家淵源的家長。研究的課題分別為:(一)、客語在家中與其它地方使用的情形以及對學生選修客語的看法;(二)、他們的文化認同為何;(三)語言使用與族群認同之間可能的關係為何;(四)在國小環境裡實施客語教學及文化認同可能面臨之困境。 在研究方法的選用上,本研究先採用文獻分析法探討語言、母語、母語教學、語言流失、文化認同與傳承、族群認同等相關的文獻及資料;更進一步針對現況與相關問題,建立本研究架構及研究問題之依據,最後在對研究主題的背景有相當程度瞭解後,以個別的深度訪談來探討本研究的相關問題。 本研究顯示,語言是構成族群認同的重要元素;擁有較佳的客語能力,就越容易對客家族群產生認同,即客語能力越強客家族群認同也越強;居住於客家庄或是與長輩同住,較容易有良好的客語能力,也有較明確的客家認同;文化必須透過語言來傳遞,語言是傳承文化的主要工具與橋樑,透過潛移默化的效果,提升文化認同,進而產生族群認同感。 關鍵字:語言使用、族群認同、客語、母語、本土語言、客語教學zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study aims at exploring the relationships between language use and ethnic identity. Ten parents of Hsin-hsin Elementary School of Chung-li City are chosen as the research subjects. While some of them registered Hakka language as the choice for their children’s “local language” course, some did not, I divide those subjects into three categories accordingly: (1). both parents are Hakka; (2). either father or mother is Hakka; and (3). those who are immersed in the Hakka tradition. Specifically, the following issues are explored--- (1). how Hakka language is used by them at home as well as other places; what attitude do those parents have for choosing Hakka language as the choice for their children’s “local language” course; (2). what ethnic identity do they possess; (3). what is the possible relationships between language use and ethnic identity; and (4). what is the possible dilemma regarding teaching Hakka language and ethnic identity in the elementary school. Methodologically, this study employs literature analysis to explore the various kinds of literature on language, mother tongue, mother tongue education, language shift, and cultural as well as ethnic identity. In addition to literature analysis, current situations and related problems are examined to build the foundation for this research. Finally, in-depth interviews are conducted to clarify the related issues in this study. The results show that language is essential to the construction of ethnic identity. Those who are better in Hakka proficiency are more easily to identify with Hakka culture. The subjects who live with elder people of earlier generation or in the Hakka community are easier to acquire good Hakka communication ability and are more proud in their Hakka identity. To sum up, culture is transmitted through language, in other words, language is the main tool and bridge of cultural transmission. Through long-term immersion, cultural identity will be enhanced, hence resulting ethnic identity. Keywords: language use, ethnic identity, Hakka language, mother tongue, local language, Hakka language teachingen_US
dc.subjectlanguage useen_US
dc.subjectethnic identityen_US
dc.subjectHakka languageen_US
dc.subjectmother tongueen_US
dc.subjectlocal languageen_US
dc.subject, Hakka language teachingen_US
dc.titleThe Possible Relationships Between Language Use and Ethnic Identification: A Case Study of the Parents of Hsin-hsin Elementary School, Chung-li Cityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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