標題: 社會經濟變遷下的客語學習及其困境之研究-以楊梅鎮大同國小為例
A Study for Hakka Learning And Its Dilemma Under Socio-Economic Changes.---Da Tong Elementary School, Yangmei.
作者: 黃文政
Huang, Shaw-Herng
關鍵字: 社會經濟變遷文件分析;質性研究;訪談;文件分析;socio-economic changes;qualitative research methods;interview;document analysis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究旨在經由對楊梅鎮大同國小家長及學生的客語學習及其態度研究,以瞭解戰後台灣社會經濟變遷因素影響客語學習與傳承的情形,從而理解一個典型且具指標性的「客家庄」,其客家族群面對母語喪失的的壓力及窘境。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究以桃園縣楊梅鎮大同國小作為研究個案,採用質性研究方法,有別於量化鳥瞰式的理解,運用訪談、觀察及文件分析等研究方法進行研究。即以訪談家長、學生、學校客語教學人員之資料為主,並輔以研究者觀察所得及相關文件資料,分析上述資料並佐以楊梅鎮及大同國小之現有社會變遷分析數據,歸納出本研究的結論如下: 客家族群客語能力的喪失,實際上是台灣大環境變遷的結果;台灣社會變遷的事實,連帶影響家族制度與家庭親子關係的變化,最後導致客語傳承功能的式微;領有客家庄頭銜的楊梅鎮,其經濟發展雖不如台灣整體的發展速度,但是仍存在著客家族群母語面臨相對弱勢的命運;相對之下,現有學校母語教育的方式便有許多盲點、困境亟需調整及克服。 根據本文研究結果提出之建議如下: 珍視傳統家庭的價值,增強家庭親子相處的時間,才能確保正常的母語學習方法;政府應透過加強社會教育與學校教育的手段連結家庭教育,恢復家庭因社會變遷失去的母語教育功能;母語的傳承關鍵點在建立母語價值觀;母語教學在政策上的建議是以學校為本位的「媒合」,即家長共同參與學校母語課;社區母語義工常態性進駐學校,參與學校的母語教學及相關活動,使社區、學校形成母語語言巢;學生也主動走進社區,經由對社區母語情境的親近,強化客語的學習與使用。
The purpose of this study is to find out the situation for Hakka learning and its dilemma under socio-economic changes, and approach the influence of Hakka under these changes in Taiwan since 1945 and understand the pressure and embarrassment of Hakka language loss in a typical "Hakka village". In order to complete the study, I take Da-tong Elementary School, Yangmei, Taoyuan as an example, using qualitative research methods, different from the synoptic understanding of quantification, such as interview, observation and document analysis, to get on my study. The information derived from interview with parents, students, and teachers is the main body of this study supplemented with the information of observation and relevant documents. Attaching analysis of social changes in Yangmei and Da-tong Elementary School. After analyzing those data and documents, I sum up following conclusion: Hakka’s capacity loss, in fact, is the result of environmental change in Taiwan. The fact that Taiwan's social changes but are also the impact of family system, parent-child relationship and family changes. The changes in function of the impact of the decline of transmission of Hakka. Economically weak so that Yangmei region facing the mother tongue of the Hakka community in the fate of a relatively weak. The existing mother-tongue education in schools there are many blind spots, need to adjust and overcome difficulties. Based on the above study result, following suggestions are made: Cherishing the family values and enhancing parent-child family time can ensure that learning the mother tongue normally, that is, to restore the traditional family relations. The Government should strengthen the community through social and school education, a means of family education, highlight the loss of mother-tongue education of families function due to social changes. native key heritage values in the establishment of mother-tongue; The recommendations of mother-tongue teaching policy are based on school-based "matching": parents participate school’s mother tongue lessons; community volunteers of mother-tongue be stationed in schools normally, to form a mother-tongue language nest between community and schools; students should enter the community automatically, through the closeness of the community, and strengthen the learning and use of Hakka.


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