標題: M化圖書館系統設計與成效評估-以亞東技術學院圖書館為例
System Design and Performance Evaluation of Mobilized Library Service – A Case Study of Oriental Institute of Technology Library
作者: 王君逸
Wang, Chun-Yi
Ke, Hao-Ren
關鍵字: 行動圖書館;簡訊服務;Mobilized Library;Short Message Service
公開日期: 2009
摘要: M化圖書館服務是圖書館服務的新趨勢,亞東技術學院圖書館(以下簡稱該館)以M化行動圖書館觀念打造各式圖書館之行動服務,於2008年1月正式啟用「圖書到期簡訊通知服務」與「手機續借圖書服務」;2009年2月成功將該館的影音視訊隨選(Video On Demand, VOD)系統導入行動通訊網路介面而啟用「行動影音視訊隨選系統」;2009年10月更創新提出新書手機預覽、預借觀念進而啟用「新書通報行動預覽系統」。 本研究中將闡述該館「行動影音視訊隨選系統」與「新書通報行動預覽系統」架構。並針對該館M化服務中啟用已達兩年之久的「圖書借閱到期手機簡訊通知服務」與「手機簡訊續借圖書服務」透過該館圖書館系統中,取樣出215位有效讀者之借閱與逾期等相關資料,以成對樣本t檢定方法分析215位有效讀者在啟用簡訊等服務後是否有實際達到降低罰款金額或逾期比率等實質功效。最後利用問卷調查的方式對亞東技術學院全校5575位讀者作調查,以了解使用者使用該館簡訊服務系統的實際情況與服務滿意度,有效問卷達470份,問卷抽樣誤差在正負4.62%以內。 其中研究主要結論如下: 1. 以成對樣本t檢定方法分析215位有效讀者得主要結論如下: (1) 讀者啟用簡訊服務後間接地增加讀者借書意願,且有顯著之效果。 (2) 讀者啟用簡訊服務後降低讀者之「逾期比率」,且有顯著之效果。 (3) 讀者啟用簡訊服務後降低「每次平均罰款金額」,且有顯著之效果。 2. 問卷分析的結論如下: (1) 日間部學生較常造訪圖書館,但進修部學生借閱率卻較日間部學生高,且進修部學生啟用簡訊服務也高於日間部學生。 (2) 知道該館有「圖書到期簡訊通知服務」之讀者共294位,其中有啟用過該服務者共169位占57.48%。 (3) 知道該館有「手機續借圖書服務」之212位讀者中,有利用手機執行續借的讀者占37.26%,其中進修部利用比率為52.83%,較日間部30.77%高出22.06%。 (4) 「圖書到期簡訊通知服務滿意度」與「手機續借圖書服務滿意度」均高達90%以上,但「手機續借圖書服務滿意度」較高於「簡訊通知服務滿意度」,由此結果可知,讀者對於創新與便利的服務有較大的反應或好感!而簡訊通知服務已經漸漸成為圖書館必然的基本服務。此外進修部學生滿意度高於日間部學生。 (5) 在「圖書到期簡訊通知服務」與「手機續借圖書服務」合理收費範圍問題調查中,超過60%的讀者希望保持不收費的現狀。但其中進修部學生可負擔的金額比日間部學生稍高,表示進修部學生願意負擔較多的費用換取便利服務的意願較日間部學生來的高。 (6) 讀者希望收到簡訊的理想時段最高比率為,早上時段(7:00~9:00)與中午時段(12:00~13:00),分別為26.29%,與25.04%。顯示讀者希望在上班或上課前或是中午休息時段收到簡訊服務通知。但進修部學生與日間部學生希望收到簡訊通知的時段並不相同,日間部學生希望收到的時段多為上午上課以前,而進修部學生希望收到的時段多為中午休息時或是下午時段。 (7) 看似沒有直接關係的「圖書到期簡訊通知服務」與「借書意願」,調查後發現會因為有「圖書到期簡訊通知服務」而增加「借書意願」之讀者占了82.77%。且會因為有「手機續借圖書服務」而增加「借書意願」者占了85.5%,由此可證實啟用了簡訊服務也間接了提升使用者的借書意願!
Mobilized library services are a new trend in library services. The Oriental Institute of Technology’s library (hereafter referred to as “the library”) employs the concept of mobilized libraries to create a variety of mobilized library services. In January of 2008, the library included services such as text message notification for overdue books and due date extensions for borrowed books, via text message. In February of 2009, following the incorporation of the voice on demand (VOD) system into the mobile communication Internet interface, the library successfully activated the mobile VOD system. Furthermore, in October of 2009, the concept of using mobile phones to preview and reserve newly acquired books was introduced, and the mobile preview system of new book arrivals was launched. This study discusses the frameworks of both the mobile VOD system and the mobile preview system of new book arrivals. For two years, the library has launched the services of text message notifications for overdue books and the due date extension of borrowed books via text messages. From the library system, this study uses the borrowing and overdue information of 215 valid readers as samples. The sample t-test analyzed the 215 valid readers to measure any reduction in fines and overdue rates following the launch of the text messaging service. Finally, a questionnaire surveyed the 5,575 library users from the entire school to gauge the actual usage situation and service satisfaction level of the library’s text messaging service system. The number of valid questionnaires was 470 and the sampling error was within ±4.62%. The major conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The results of using the paired sample t-test method to analyze the 215 valid readers: (1) After the readers started using the text messaging service, their book borrowing intention indirectly increased. The effect was significant. (2) After the readers started using the text messaging service, the reader overdue rate decreased. The effect was significant. (3) After the readers started using the text messaging service, the average amount of fines decreased. The effect was significant. 2. The results of the questionnaire surveys: (1) Although the day school students visited the library with more frequency, the borrowing rate of continuing education students was higher. In addition, the continuing education students’ usage rate of the text messaging service was higher than the day school students. (2) The number of students aware of the text message notification service for overdue books was 294. 169 of these students (57.48%) used the service. (3) Among the 212 readers aware of extending the due date of borrowed books via text message, 37.26% of the readers used cell phones to make renewals. The usage rate of the continuing education students was 52.83%, which was 22.06% higher than that of the day school students (30.77%). (4) The satisfaction levels for the text message notification for overdue books, and the extension of the due date of borrowed books by text messaging, were both higher than 90%. The service satisfaction level for the latter through text messaging was higher than that of the former. This indicates the readers had either a greater response, or a good impression of innovative and convenient services. The text messaging notification service has gradually become the library’s essential basic service. In addition, the satisfaction level of the continuing education students was higher than the day school students. (5) In the questionnaire survey for the reasonable fee range of text message notification for overdue books and the due date extension of borrowed books via text message, more than 60% of the readers expressed the desire for the library to remain charge-free. Most continuing education students can afford higher fees, than the day school students. This indicates the continuing education students were willing to pay a higher amount in fees than the day school students, in exchange for a convenient service. (6) The ideal time for readers to receive text messages was the morning (7:00am~9:00am) and midday (12:00pm~13:00pm), which were 26.29% and 25.04%, respectively. This shows the readers hoped to receive the text message notification before they went to work or school, or during the noon break time. However, the times the continuing education students and the day school students wished to receive the text messaging notifications differed. Most day school students wanted to receive the messages before the morning class time. However, most continuing education students prefered to receive the messages during the noon break or afternoon. (7) The text message notification for overdue books seemed to have no little effect on the readers’ book-borrowing intentions. The study found that.82.77% of the readers book-borrowing intentions increased due to the text message notification for overdue books. In addition, 85.5% of the readers book-borrowing intentions increased because of the due date extension of borrowed books through text messaging. This proves the launch of a text messaging service indirectly increases the book-borrowing intentions of the user.


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