Title: Web2.0時代的行銷利器UGC與SNS:以倩碧美肌甜心選拔為例
Marketing Strategies in Era of Web 2.0:User Generated Content and Social Network Service-A case of Clinique Skin Beauty Pageant in Taiwan
Authors: 楊麗玉
Yang, Li Yu
Keywords: 網路行銷;Web2.0;使用者自創文本;社群網站服務;Internet Marketing;Web2.0;User Generated Content;Social Network Service
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 網路發明至今大約三十個年頭,但是對人類的影響卻已可說是無遠弗屆。隨著早期Web1.0時代的單向互動,到今天的Web2.0時代的雙向溝通,如同Andy Warhol所說,在未來,透過網路每個人都有機會可以成名十五分鐘。這一句話也說明今日網路聚焦許多點閱及目光,因此成為另一種媒體主流。相較於過去,Web2.0時代的特色在於網路使用者彼此之間的互動以及網路使用者所創造的文本,兩者交互的過程常常產生意外的效應或是話題,因此在當前經濟趨緩之時,各家廣告主減縮媒體預算,唯獨網路行銷預算不減反增。 同時,相較於世界各國,台灣在網路上的發展,無論是軟硬體設施上的普及率都已經達到世界前幾名,可說是相當適合網路行銷的環境,因此本研究選擇在台灣所舉辦的行銷活動做為研究對象,嚐試藉由檢視倩碧美肌甜心活動機制來探索Web2.0時代,廣告主利用使用者自創文本,以及社群網站做為行銷手法,以用來強化網友之間的訊息傳遞以及互動的黏性,探索是否真的可以達到廣告主欲達成的行銷宣傳目的。 本研究分為三大部分,首先文獻回顧著重於過去對於使用者自創文本(User Generated Content)以及社群服務(Social Network Service)的討論,由於使用者自創文本的部分涉及網路口碑(e-Word of Mouth)以及體驗式行銷(Buzz Marketing),因此對兩者也有深入討論。第二部分是個案介紹,由於倩碧是美妝品牌,因此先對全球及台灣化□品產業做介紹,接下來進一步探討活動機制。第三部分是研究設計與結果討論。 本研究利用焦點團體訪問法去探索消費者心中對於網路行銷機制的反應,發現當今的消費者對於廣告主慣用的網路行銷手法熟悉,可以分辨文本背後隱藏商業意圖,因此在接觸文本的時候,並不一定可以達到廣告主預期的勸服效果。同時,本研究發現利用社群網站服務結合網路行銷,的確可以強化網友之間訊息的傳遞效果,然而活動機制設計不宜過於複雜,不然可能產生反效果。
No one can deny that Internet has changed our life. Once that Andy Warhol said: In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes, which is the best interpretation that how Internet affects us in the Era of Web 2.0. User Generated Content and Social Network service is two new booms in the Era of web 2.0, which attracts tremendous attention and media budget that makes Internet become a magic channel that advertisers now believe in. To examine the infrastructure of Internet service and the number of people who stay online, you will find that Taiwan is an ideal environment for Internet Marketing. According to the World Knowledge Competitiveness Index, Taiwan was ranked number 5 in Board –band Internet penetration among 145 countries in the world, which can explains the reason why an Internet marketing campaign in Taiwan was chosen as a topic in this research. In this research, it focus on exploring how user generated content and social network service take place and play a role in Internet marketing campaign. Also, to see if Internet marketing campaign can actually affect consumer and form the attitude as what advertisers expected. Focus group method was conducted in this research, and the outcome reveals that consumer is capable of sensing the business intention behind the content that they received from the Internet. And when the stronger they sense the information that they received could be a marketing promotion, the less that they can be persuaded by this content. Also, we found that by using social network service can enhance the willingness of Internet user to spread the information of marketing event such as Internet beauty pageant, however, when the design of event is too complicated, it may cause user to leave it half way unfinished.
Appears in Collections:Thesis